People General statistics Families Principal cities
PEOPLE 92,5% of the italy population has italian origin and the 7,5% are from different countries. Most of immigrants are from Romania, about people. Other people are from Albania ( ), North Africa ( ), China ( ) and Ukraina ( ), Asia ( ) Latin America ( ) At this informations be added the illegal immigrants and people from other nationalities ( ).
The population of Italy The italy have 20 regions. The capital of italy is Rome people live in Rome people live in Milan people live in Naples. 4,5% of total Italian populations live in Rome
Married adults 49,3% Adults living with partner 14,7% Single adults 34,6% Children in single-parent families 19,3% Avarage no. Of children for family 1.41
Rome: is the capital of italy and is located in Lazio. Is the biggest city, some people live here ( ). Rome has some monuments like colosseum or Trevi fountain. Milan: is the second biggest city of italy, is located in Lombardy. Milan has about people. Is the biggest economy center of italy. Naples: is the third biggest italian city, is located in Campania. There is about people. Is the town of Pizza. dates from istat 2009