Under the US-Brazil Implementing Arrangement field data collection will end for NASA-funded investigators on December 17, LBA-ECO Project Office support in 2005 Transition/takedown activities Support for continued data collection with CNPq licenses LBA-ECO Exit Plan
From December 17, 2004, until property transfer to Brazil is complete, only teams with a CNPq license and a NASA-funded investigator will be able to use NASA property, infrastructure, and resources for field data collection (unless the Implementing Arrangement is renewed). However, all Phase 2 LBA-ECO teams can continue to use NASA provided resources for takedown/transition/shipping activities in early Dismantling of scientific sites and offices supported by LBA-ECO that are not otherwise in use by teams with CNPq licenses will continue through Visas NASA’s property department will allow us to transfer property to Brazilian institutions, either Permanently or on a long-term loan basis. Assumptions
Field Work in 2005 with CNPq licenses Investigators collecting field data in Brazil after December 17, 2004 must arrange their own licenses, permitting, funding, and specify what logistical support they require from the Project Office. (Questionnaire) Property issues and data collection continuity By mid to late 2005, facilities will either need to be transferred to Brazilian operation, or be decommissioned.
Towers supported / operated by LBA-ECO Investigators with CNPq licenses must identify any tower or other site where data collection will continue after 12/17/04. Towers and sites in Santarém that are identified for use under approved CNPq licenses will continue to be maintained and supported by the following: data techs vehicles generator maintenance and fueling site and tower safety Timeline
Santarém Towers Santarém Office LBA-ECO Shutdown Operations Aug. Data collection on Flux & Meteorological Towers & Meteorological Towers Backup power generator system Dirty / Wet Lab Dirty / Wet Lab Office Facilities Office Facilities Generator support Office Restoration Transfer of NASA Towers/Generators & Field Sites Transfer of NASA Office Furniture Transfer of NASA Lab Equipment Transfer of NASAComputers Transferred Dirty & Wet Lab Decommissioning Sept. Oct. Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJun.Jul.Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan Transfer of NASA Field Gear GC Lab Decommissioned Office Shutdown Office Shutdown Annex Restoration Shutdown Annex Operations Santarém Annex Operations Data collection on Flux & Meteorological Towers associated with CNPq licenses Shutdown Ends for data collection Generator support associated with CNPq licenses
2005 LBA-ECO Shutdown Operations Science Team Equipment Vehicle Maintenance Base camp closes to investigator use Base Camp Vehicles Shipping Transfer NASA vehicles and boats 2004 LBA-ECO support for other offices Vehicles available for takedown/shipping activities Vehicles not transferred will go into storage in Belém/Acre/Mato Grosso/Brasília/Rondonia/Manaus Logistic aides at Brasilia and Rondonia LBA Offices Monetary support for Manaus camps and IBGE-Brasilia Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJun.Jul.Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan LBA-ECO support to Central Office personnel Base camp property transfer