JURASSIC PARK’S GOLDEN TICKETS By: Bella, Michelle, Athena, Reese, Emily, and Alex
THE HUNT BEGINS You may begin at your house. Then your hunt begins. You are hunting for the golden tickets. You will advance to harder and scarier places. You will need to find the tickets because you want to win the lottery, the tickets will help you win the lottery by the code on the back of the ticket. Hope you find the tickets!!!!!!
FIRST TICKET Remember you begin at your house. After you wake up in the morning, get dressed, and head outside. Go 8 units west, 6 units south, 5 units west, 5 units south, and finally go 6 units west.
YOUR TREASURE! Congratulations! You found your FIRST golden ticket. Good luck! I hope you find more.
YOUR NEXT HUNT Good luck. Follow these directions to find your next ticket. 4 units North, 10 units West, 6 units North, And 3 units South.
HOPEFULLY YOUR NEXT VICTORY! From your house go 4 units South, 5 units East, and 3 units South.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Happy birthday!! Oh its not your birthday? Sorry I just thought it was your birthday because you are getting so much presents (the tickets).
NEXT TICKET STILL start at your house, go 11 units north, 1 unit west, 1 unit north, and 2 units east. Good Luck!
YOU FOUND……. Sorry but your have found trash oh and What a surprise Oscar The Grouch is in it. BOO!
YOUR LAST TICKET (MAYBE) From your house AGAIN, go 13 units West, 13 units North, 5 units East, and 1 units south.
FINAL VICTORY! You found your last golden ticket!!! HURRAYYYYYY! celebrate.html
THE END Hope you liked your hunt! (for golden tickets)! By: Bella, Reese, Michelle, Athena, Emily, and Alex !