Spanish Conquest of Central and South America
Spanish Conquistadors As the Age of Exploration went into full swing, Spanish conquistadors went to the Americas for 3 general reasons: Gold God Glory Conquistador- a leader in the Spanish conquests of America, Mexico and Peru in the 16th Century
Hernan Cortés 1519, Cortes landed on the shores of Mexico Learned of the wealthy Aztec Empire in the regions interior. Reached capital Tenochtitlan Aztec Emperor Montezuma II convinced Cortes is a god offers to give him gold. Cortes was not satisfied 1520, Cortes and his men driven out of capital by Aztecs during confusion of other conquistadors trying to come in to take over. Montezuma II is killed during the fighting. 1521- Cortes strikes back and conquers Aztecs
Francisco Pizarro 1532, Pizarro lands in Peru Pizarro makes alliances with other Indians that are enemies with the Inca Incas have just finished a civil war Pizarro kidnap Atahualpa (Inca King) and ask for ransom Incas pay ransom but Pizarro killed Atahualpa anyway Spain adds much of South America to their empire
Reasons for Spanish Victory Superior military technology Division and discontent among Indians aided the Spanish Disease brought by the Europeans weakened the Aztec and Incans- no natural immunity Religious beliefs- many Indians believed that the disasters they suffered meant the end of the world
Ruling The Spanish Empire Spain wanted to maintain control over its empire The Spanish king did the following: Set up the Council of the Indies to pass laws in the Americas Appointed viceroys to rule in his name Viceroy- someone who rules a colony on behalf of the king or queen Viceroy of New Spain Antonio Maria de Bucareli y Ursúa
Spreading Christianity Spain wanted to spread Roman Catholicism to the New World Jesuits set up missions and converted thousands of Indians Spanish missionaries forcibly imposed European culture over Native American culture Missionary- One who attempts to persuade or convert others to a particular idea
Trade & the Encomienda Spain closely regulated trade to keep profits high Colonists could only export raw materials to Spain and buy only Spanish manufactured goods. Native Americans were forced into the encomienda system Conquistadors could demand labor or tribute. Resistors were hunted down & killed Native Americans were forced to work in the silver mines in the Andes Mts.
A Spanish Priest Speaks out Bartolomé de Las Casas a Spanish priest, condemned the encomienda system. He reported the horrors of the system to the king Led to the passage of the New Laws of the Indes Forbade enslavement of Native Americans
Labor Shortage! With Native American slavery banned, there was now a labor shortage. What do you think was suggested to make up the labor shortage? Las Casas suggested to import workers from Africa Immune to tropical diseases Skills in farming, mining & metalwork Harder for them to escape What happened as a result? Millions of African slaves were forced into slavery
The Human Trade Sugar cane & sugar plantations – need for a large work force. First boat of African slaves brought by the Spanish in 1518. Between 1500 & 1800, about 10 million Africans shipped to the Americas.
Why Africans? Agricultural experts; advanced farming techniques Climate of West Coast of Africa similar to Caribbean and South America; life expectancy longer than Europeans Easy to identify as a laborer due to color of their skin
The Triangular Trade Europe would send manufactured goods to Africa Slaves would then be picked up in Africa and brought to the Americas Raw materials like sugar, cotton and timber would then be brought from America to Europe The leg of the trip from Africa to the Americas was known as the Middle Passage
Slave Ship “Middle Passage”
“Coffin” Position Below Deck
Spanish Colonial Society As the Spaniards took control of large parts of Central and South America, they established a set of rules about the social structure of their colonies. Peninsulares Creoles Metizos Mulattoes Native Americans African Slaves -White colonists from Spain -Two Spanish settler’s child born in America -Native American + European descent -African + European descent