Interactions between Below- / Above- Ground Processes
Working Hypothesis Root & Lower Stem Beetles; Vector fungi Fungi pass through root grafts Compromise defenses in main stem; Ips kill root-infested trees
Preliminary Evidence of Suppression of Red Pine Decline Epicenter Root graft severing 10 m outside edge of tree mortality 1994 Live Trees Nov 2001
Evaluate role of below-ground herbivory & infection in above-ground stem colonization Evaluate connectedness among stands, including movement of root insects, bark beetles, predators Conduct manipulative experiments to test relative importance of inciting agents, bark beetles, predators Evaluate effects of these processes on species composition of plants & insects NSF LTREB NSF REU 2004, 2005, 2006
Roles of various collaborators Stand manipulations WI Dept. Nat. Res., J. Cummings-Carlson Spatio-temporal analysis of colonization by multiple species J. Zhu, M. Clayton, B. Aukema Predator dispersal & predator-prey interactions J. Reeve Insect community responses to altered vegetation D. Young Landscape-level connections among declining stands V. Radeloff
Site Selection Plot Establ. Treatment Spatial Mapping Insect Sampling Tree Evaluation Biodiversity Tree Chemistry Insect dispersal Status of Major Objectives
Stand mapping (Jan-March) R Murphy, S Lishawa, J Lennart Insect sampling (Apr-Sept) R Murphy, R Vershay Insect dispersal March set-upA Costa, J Reeve, R Murphy, S Lishawa May-Aug A Costa, A Kendrick, J Reeve Insect biodiversity ( ) S Eastwood, D Young, Grad Students Tree chemistry ( ) E Bonello, A Eyles, UW tech to be hired Tree Evaluation (Oct-Dec) R Murphy, S Lishawa Objectives & Personnel: 2006