Tier 1: Monitoring that will be done regardless of funding received: Forest Service Preference is to focus on vegetation, e.g. Stand Structure including wildlife habitat components such as snags, dead/down material 2
Tier 2: Monitoring and/or research we would like to see completed that could be funded by partners, grants, and so on Examples include: Aquatic Invertebrates as a measure of Watershed Restoration Wildlife Indicator Species for each of the Stand Types Research by SRME 3
Two Levels of Monitoring: Landscape Scale Treatment Area (Stand) Scale 4
Landscape Level – How are defining landscape? 800,000 acre restoration zone Restoration zones around the northern focus areas and southern focus area HUC 6 Look at Trend towards restoration as identified in Kauffman papers (or future research) Change in Fire Behavior (an aggregation of Stand Data collected at Stand or Treatment Unit level) 5
Stand/Treatment Level – Separate ranges for the 2 major cover types in the restoration area: ◦ Ponderosa pine ◦ Mixed Conifer: Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-fir 7 Metrics Include: Trees per acre Basal Area Tree species composition Age Classes Canopy Cover Crown Base Height Canopy Bulk Density Understory species composition Presence of noxious weeds/exotics
Restoration zone is defined in the CFLR Proposal as the Lower Montane (as identified in 2006 Roundtable Report). The definition can be refined as needed. Current NEPA is based on Kauffman Paper(s). Doesn’t allow diameter limits or age limits in defining trees to be left after treatment Future NEPA can be based on what we learn through monitoring and additional research 8
Definition of Old Growth is a Forest Plan level decision, not something that can be decided by this group, independent of other stakeholders. AR has an old growth definition in their Current Forest Plan Pike doesn’t have an old growth definition but it will be defined when the forest goes through the forest plan revision process in a year or two 9
Metrics need to be easily measured given yearly funding limitations Desired conditions need to be displayed in ranges, not absolute amounts 10
11 What we know – ◦ MPB is spreading into Ponderosa Pine Type (PP) History – ◦ MPB has cause extensive mortality before Research – ◦ Increased MPB mortality in higher stocking (BA & # trees/acre) and larger diameter trees What Could Happen - ◦ Could and currently are experiencing heavy mortality in PP type