The flag of 1920 is the first flag to be used by Syrians and it was the current flag of Jordan. The colours and designs were taken from the Pan Arab flag, the stars stand for the fact that Syria was the first country to use the Pan-Arab colors. The French changed the flag of Syria under their mandate into a blue flag with a white crescent and after a month France changed the flag again and this flag was in use from 1925 until 1936 then the flag was changed and took this shape: after the signing of the Franco treaty which gave Syria partial independence
In 1985, Syria and Egypt merged and took this flag when Syria left the union in 1961 it reverted to its old green, white, flag. The Ba'athist coup in 1963 led to a red, white, black with three green stars. In 1971 a red, white, black with a golden hawk in the white stripe was used as the flag of the Federation of Arab Republics (Syria, Egypt, and Libya) the stars were removed from the flag and replaced by a golden hawk as in the example:
In 1980, the current red, white, black flag with two green stars was adopted. Thus Syria has had six national flags since independence in