이지혜 서미현
Lexical entries also contain information about the roles assigned to the nouns in a clause. 어휘항목들은 절의 구성원인 명사에 할당되는 의 미 역할에 관한 정보도 갖고 있다.
Agent role – 행위자역 Patient role – 피행위자역 ( 행위를 당하는 자 ) (8) The Romans built this aqueduct. (9) The computer will calculate the value of the variable. Build and calculate assign Agent role to their subject noun and Patient role to their direct object noun.
(8) The Romans built this aqueduct. (9) The computer will calculate the value of the variable. The fact that aqueduct is inanimate does not change the assignment of Patient role to it, and likewise the inanimacy of computer does not change the assignment of Agent role.
(9) The computer will calculate the value of the variable. 행위자역은 생물로 구성되어야 하나, Computer 의 경우엔 특별한 동사나 구조안에서 비 정형적인 행위자의 역할을 할 수 있다.
Lexical verbs impose restrictions on the type of noun that can occur to their left or right. 해석 ) 어휘부의 동사는 왼쪽 또는 오른쪽에서 일어 날 수 있는 명사의 유형에 제한을 가한다.
(10) The dog blamed us for her stay at the vet’s. (11) These objections killed the proposal. A verb such as blame requires a human noun to its left, while a verb such as kill requires an animate noun to its right.
Constraints affecting the type of lexical noun are known as selectional restrictions. 어휘부의 명사의 유형을 제한하는 것을 선택제한이라 한다.
(12) The water/river flowed over the embankment. Theme 선택제한은 큰 명사 단위인 생물, 인간 명사에서 작은 명사 단위인 액체를 나타내는 명사까지 다양하다. 1. The verb can be used metaphorically 2. A given noun on its own may not denote a liquid but may be understood as doing so because of its modifiers.