Oliva’s children’s health resort, O.P.S Natálie Křížová
Where can we find it? address: Olivova 224, Říčany
Oliva’s heatlh resort Health center Long medical care for patients with respiratory diseases, mainly with allergies, nutrition diseases and diseases with the musculoskeletal system After-disease care for pediatric patients Providing care for children and youth
History of Oliva’s health resort It is one of the oldest health resorts in the Czech Republic Olivovna was established in 1895 by Mr. and Mrs. Oliva. It was built especially for abandoned and neglected children. In 1980, Oliva’s resort has started to treat children with upper respiratory tract disease
Mr. and Mrs. Oliva
Why is Oliva’s health resort in Ricany? Good climatic conditions Hidden in a forest – no harms around
Historical pictures of Oliva’s health center
Therapy CHRONICAL RESPIRATORY TRACT DISEASES Allergic diseases of upper respiratory tract diseases Allergic and chronicle skin diseases All types of astma bronchiale Unspecific lungs diseases CHILDREN’S AND YOUTH’S OBESITY SKELETAL AND MUSCLE SYSTEM DISEASES After-surgery and after-injury rehabilitation Treatment of congenital defects in musculoskeletal system
Services Olivovna offers : 1.Family stays 2.Seniors stays 3.School trips 4.Weddings, races, competitions, etc.
Cultural events – Children’s theater
Cultural events Especially for children – games, discussions, musical events, trips…. Concerts – Christmas concerts, piano concerts….
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