Roger Coleman
Need %20Alzheimer%27s%20disease%20chart.gif Chart 1 shows statistics and future predictions of Alzheimer's disease
Knowledge Base Figure 1 shows C.elegans /2008/09/c-elegans_esa.jpg
Knowledge Base Figure 2 shows the lifecycle of c. elegans
Knowledge Base mg%5CLivingWithAlzheimers_artv2.jpg Picture 3 shoes a cross reference of a normal brain and a Alzheimer's infected brain.
Knowledge Base etting-out-of-the-loop-of-alzheimer-s- disease/amyloid-protein-loop.jpg Figure 4shows an amyloid b protein
Knowledge Base Chart 2 shows amaloid b protein product
Knowledge Base ct/Ginkgo_Biloba_extract.jpg Figure 5 shows the plant of Ginkgo biloba
Lit Review (Wu et, al, 2006)
Purpose To determine if ginkgo biloba amyloid, freeze dried black raspberries and freeze dried blueberries has an effect on Alzheimer dieses in C. elegans. Null hypothesis is that no effect will occur when ginkgo biloba amyloid, freeze dried black raspberries and freeze dried blueberries ware added. The Alternative hypothesis is that ginkgo biloba amyloid, freeze dried black raspberries and freeze dried blueberries Hypothesis
Methodology The Effect of Ginkgo Biloba Amyloid, Freeze Dried Black Raspberries and Freeze Dried Blueberries on the supression of Amaloid B in C. elegans C. Elegans fed with a 10 % solution of Ginkgo Biloba N=? C. Elegans fed with 10% solution of Freeze dried Black raspberries N=? C. Elegans fed with a 10 % solution of Freeze Dried Blueberries N= ? C. Elegans will be fed with 100 ul spots of e. coli (OP5O) on nematode growth medium and c. elegans will be cultured a 20 degrees C Results will be taken from visual analysis of C. elegans under a microscope. C. Elegnas with no solutions N= ? (Control) C. Elegnas with amaloid b and ginkgo biblia solution (Experimental)
Protocols for Measurement Grown on NGM and C. elegans will be fed with E. Coli (OP5O) with 100 ul spots. Amaloid B (AB) protein will be mixed with and without ginkgo biblia at 100 ug/ml solution( stord at - 20 Degrees C) Ginkgo Biloba Amyloid, Freeze Dried Black Raspberries and Freeze Dried Blueberries will be given in the NGM in a 10 % solution.
Protocols for Measurement (cont) All solutions will be given after one day and analysis will be looked at after 2 days. Analysis will be compared ( under a microscope) to the number of normal and the number of paralyzed c. elegans
Do- ability C. elegans and chemicals are easy to buy Much of the equipment is already in the lab Chemicals are easily applied to C. elegans
Budget Bulk Nutrition Ginkgo Biloba powder 8.99$8.99 ANA SPEC[Gln 11 ] - beta - Amyloid (1 - 16) 25369$90 NutriFruitFreeze Dried Black Raspberry Powder 26-b8wl-f1ku$ NutriFruitFreeze Dried Blueberry Powder BT-4AXL- SRXH $20.95 Vendor Item Item Number Cost per unit Total Cost
Budget (cont) VendorItemItem Number Unit CostTotal Cost Carolina Biological Caenorhabditis elegans N2, Living, Culture $10.95 Carolina Biological Nematode Growth Agar $6.25 (Quantity of 2) $ Carolina Biological Erwinia- Escherichia coli, living tube $
Bibliography Works Cited Hancock, Robert D. "Berry fruit as ?superfood?:." Scottish Crop Research Group 54 (2007). Luo, Yuan. "Inhibition of amyloid -b aggregation and caspase- 3 activation by the Ginkgo biloba." Departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry and Biochemistry (2002). Wilson, Mark A. "Blueberry polyphenols increase lifespan and thermotolerance in Caenorhabditis elegans." PubMed Central (2006). Wilson, Mark. "Bluebrry polyphenols increase the lifespan of c. elegans." Blackwell Publishing Ltd (2006). Wu. "Egb reduces ab specific pathological behaviors are suppressed by ginkgo biloba extract Egb 761 in caenorhabditis elegans." (2006). Yang, Huan. "The cytokine activity of HMGB1." Laboratory of Biomedical Science.