SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION Influenced by the Renaissance spirit –spirit of curiosity –encouraged to study natural world –questioned long-held beliefs –developed a split between science and religion
Developed Scientific Method Logical procedure for gathering and testing data –state the problem –form a hypothesis –experiment –draw conclusions
Traditional beliefs - Greeks Aristarchus –“Sun-centered” theory Ptolemy –“earth-centered” theory
Traditional beliefs Church view of universe from 200 AD on was geocentric earth -center of universe - sinful, heavy, unique, special Heaven is around earth, –planets and sun - perfect –things earth in perfect circles
Copernicus Polish astronomer Studied Aristarchus and thought he was right Wrote On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres, published in supported HELIOCENTRIC THEORY
COPERNICUS Also said the earth rotated on its axis - was not stationary Earth revolved around the sun in perfect circles
Tycho Brahe Danish astronomer built observatory recorded what he saw
Johannes Kepler Brahe’s assistant used his records to prove Copernicus’ theory said planets revolve around the sun in ellipses used mathematics to prove it
Galileo Galilei Gave visual proof to Copernicus’ theory used telescope (popularized its use) –showed not all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth –moon had rough, broken surface, jagged mountains –sun had spots
Galileo Put on trial and condemned by Church Forced to recant –“And yet it moves” Also developed –principle of the pendulum –law of motion - objects fall at the same speed –natural state of an object is motion
Ambrose Pare French physician developed ointment to apply to wounds to prevent infections developed stitches
Anton von Leeuwenhoek Dutch cloth merchant developed microscope
Andreas Vesalius Studied human anatomy wrote On the Fabric of the Human Body
William Harvey English physician said blood circulated through the body heart pumps it
Farenheit –German physicist, created the first mercury thermometer,32 - freezing Celcius –Swedish astronomer, created a scalee for mercury thermometer, 0 - freezing Torricelli –developed the first mercury barometer