Sexually Transmitted Disease or Sexually Transmitted Infection? What is a Sexually Transmitted?
Bacterial Vaginosis Chylamydia Gnorrhea Syphilis Common Bacterial ST(d orI)
HIV Herpes Human Papillomavirus Common Viral ST(D or I)s
Not just sexual transmission Anyone with a vagina can get it Upset in the natural bacterial balance of the vagina One over grows Makes you more susceptible to STDs Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
May have no symptoms at all! Discharge Odor Pain Itching Burning Sometimes confused with a yeast infection BV Symptoms
Douching New Sex Partner Multiple Sex partners Increases Risk
Bacterial Infection Chlamydia trachomatis Can infect vagina, penis, anus “Silent infection” Often no symptoms Irreverisble damage before you know it Untreated can lead to infertility in women Long term complications in men are rare Easy to treat if recognized! Chlamydia
abnormal vaginal/penis discharge burning sensation when urinating Men: itching or burning around head of penis Chlamydia Symptoms
Bacterial Neisseria gonorrhoeae Sites of infection Anus, eyes, mouth, genitals, or throat Leads to infertility if untreated Still easy to treat in USA…this could change Gonorrhea
Penis: burning sensation when urinating, or a white, yellow, or green discharge burning sensation when urinating, or a white, yellow, or green discharge Vagina: often none…or mild and mistaken for a bladder infection Rectal: pain, discharge, or bleeding Oral: Myabe sore throat but often none Symptoms by site
Lab testing needed Culture: Swab site of infection DNA test: Urine or swab of infection site Can’t tell the difference by examination! Diagnosis of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Bacterial infection making a comeback Much more complicated to investigate and treat than chlamydia and gonorrhea Symptoms vary by stage Majority of cases in northwest are in MSM Syphilis
Direct contact with a syphilis sore Sores occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Sores also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of the organism occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex Transmission
Usually a single sore, but there may be multiple sores. Usually firm, round, small, and painless. The chancre lasts 3 to 6 weeks, and it heals without treatment. However, if adequate treatment is not administered, the infection progresses to the secondary stage. Primary Syphlis (1-90 days after infection)
One shot to treat! Only time you are contagious! Primary Syphilis
Rash-usually on the palms of hands and soles of feet Still can be treated with 1 shot at this stage Not contagious Progress to Late Syphilis if not treated Secondary Syphilis
Infection is present in body but not doing any damage Still treatable! About 15% will progress will progress to Late syphilis if NOT treated Latent Syphilis
Approximately years after first infected Irreversible damage to organs brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints. Signs and symptoms difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness, and dementia death Late Syphilis
Blood Test Symptom Assessment If in doubt, treat with 3 shots Syphilis Diagnosis
Condoms Dental Dams Prevention