Sexual Transmitted Diseases and Prevention Amelia Lewis
The average age people are starting to become sexually active is 16 – 17 years old Single Sex Ed classes are voluntary to take in public school systems Most teens choose not to take the class for fear of embarrassment or shame.
There are five different types of STD’s Bacterial, Fungal, Viral, Parasites, and Protozoal Some are curable, while others will be with you for the rest of your life Transmitted though mucous membranes in the penis, vulva, urinary track, mouth, throat, respiratory tract, and eyes
Chancroid Chlamydia Granuloma Inguinale Gonorrhea Syphilis Tinea cruris Candidiasis Trichomoniasis BacterialFungal & Protozoal
Viral Hepatitis (B) Herpes simplex Retrovirus Human Papilloma Virus Molluscum contagiosum Crab louse Scabies ViralParasites
Prevention There are other contraception methods that do not prevent against STD’s but against pregnancy STD’s and pregnancy can both be prevented with protection/condoms Male condom 94% Female condom 94% Diaphragm 85% Cervical cap 87% Sponge 90%
This is the only 100% way of preventing any STD’s and/or pregnancy. Even if you are extremely careful with precautions, something can always happen.