AP Lang and Comp April 8, 2014 Ms. Bugasch Goals 1. Compare/Contrast Essay - Edits and Revisions 2. AP Terms 3. Introduction to the rhetorical mode: definition.


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Presentation transcript:

AP Lang and Comp April 8, 2014 Ms. Bugasch Goals 1. Compare/Contrast Essay - Edits and Revisions 2. AP Terms 3. Introduction to the rhetorical mode: definition

FFW O Take out Compare/Contrast Essays O Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. What is coherence? 2. What is common knowledge? 3. What is compare and contrast? 4. What is contrast? 5. What is data?

O 1. Common knowledge is the information that is widely available and generally well known. Common knowledge does not need to be cited in an essay. O 2. Coherence is a logical, orderly, and consistent relationship among the parts of a text. Coherence enables a reader to follow the writer’s train of thought. Writers achieve coherence through transitions. O 3. Compare and contrast is a pattern of development that focuses on the similarities and differences between 2 or more items. Organized point by point; side by side (subject by subject) O 4. A contrast is a striking exhibition of unlikeness. Writers use contrast to emphasize a point. Contrast may refer to the use of short or long sentences, the juxtaposition of images, and the use of different levels of diction, among others. O 5. Data as a plural noun means facts, or pieces of information. Data as a singular, collective noun means information. In both cases, data generally refers to evidence. Data may also be referred to as grounds.

Compare/Contrast Essay O Finish Writer’s Workshop Discussions: Edits and revisions O Thesis O Topic Sentences O EVIDENCE at least 3 O Explanation of evidence that connects to thesis O Concluding O Transitioning O Conclusions - summed up with clincher

Rhetorical Mode: Definition O Writing the Definition Essay

Writing the Definition Essay

- A definition essay defines a word, term, or concept in depth by providing a personal commentary on what the specific subject means. - Most physical objects have a definition about which most people agree. Most people will agree on what trees, windows, computers, and pencils are in general. These objects all have specific physical properties that most people can agree on through the use of their physical senses.

However, abstract terms, such as love, pain, or patriotism, have different meanings for different individuals since such terms play on people’s feelings more than their physical senses. The definition essay provides a personal, extended definition of such terms by linking or comparing the term to a previous definition and by illustrating how that term should be applied.

Setting up the definition essay. Expand your definition selectively  Make sure that you have a good, specific thesis that tells readers just how you will define the term. In a formal definition essay, the thesis is usually the formal definition. The significance, importance, relevance, or value of discussing this term is usually provided in the introduction. Think of this as your “so what.” Make sure you are clear about the use or the purpose of the definition. Why is it important for your reader to share your idea? Share the reason with your reader!

In an informal definition essay, the thesis focuses on the significance, importance, relevance, or value of the thing being defined. Choose your voice and Ethos with your audience in mind.

 Place the definition in relation to other definition. Often cause-and-effect reasoning is useful here. Where does the domestic cat come from? Did the domestic cat become what it is because of the way people have treated cats over the centuries? How does your definition of domestic cat relate to the definition of pet? How is the definition of lying related to the definition of honesty—would you say a person is honest only if he never, ever lies?

 Show how your term is different from other terms that might, for whatever reason, be confused with it—for instance, why a skunk, though small, fluffy, and sometimes adopted as a pet, is not a domestic cat, or why using a polite conventional phrase like “fine” when you’re asked how you are, even if you have appendicitis, is not the same kind of thing as a white lie.

 You might give the etymology of your term. Knowing the origin of your term might be useful to your reader’s understanding.  You might give the historical background of your term

 Use good, specific examples to illustrate each point. Examples allow readers to visualize how the definition can be applied.  You may need to do research to find good examples.  Provide good transitions to link all parts of the essay.  Have a good conclusion that brings the parts of the definition together and leaves readers with an image of how the definition is applied.  Proofread carefully.

Problems to Avoid Here is a list of “don’ts” for the writer of extended definition essays:

Don’t introduce your essay with a quotation from Webster’s Don’t offer circular definitions. Don’t define vaguely or by using generalities. Don’t present an incomplete definition.

A definition essay is writing that explains what a term means. Some terms have definite, concrete meanings, such as glass, book, or tree. Terms such as honesty, honor, or love are abstract and depend more on a person's point of view. 3 steps of definition Define the term precisely to the readers Present clarity in your information Use facts, examples or story that the readers can relate and understand

identify distinguishing characteristics give examples Extended Definition provide extra facts/information say what cannot be included in this definition

Closure What are some possible definitions you would like to explore for your essay?

Homework 1. Compare/Contrast Essay due tomorrow