COUNTABLE NOUNS I bought a chair = Sam bought three chairs How many pencils do you have? Car Book Child Dog Door Lamp Telephone Apple Peach Baby Car Book Child Dog Door Lamp Telephone Apple Peach Baby Airplane Pen Bottle Pillow Window Table Picture Glass Bike Horse Airplane Pen Bottle Pillow Window Table Picture Glass Bike Horse
Noncount nouns classification WHOLE GROUPS MADE UP SIMILAR ITEMS: Baggage, equipment, food, furit, furniture, garbage, jewelry, luggage, machinary, mail, majkeup, money, cash, traffic. WHOLE GROUPS MADE UP SIMILAR ITEMS: Baggage, equipment, food, furit, furniture, garbage, jewelry, luggage, machinary, mail, majkeup, money, cash, traffic. FLUIDS: Water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasoline, blood. FLUIDS: Water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasoline, blood. SOLIDS: Ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, gold, iron, silver, glass, paper, wood, cotton, wool. SOLIDS: Ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, gold, iron, silver, glass, paper, wood, cotton, wool. Gases: Steam, air, oxygen, smoke, pollution. Gases: Steam, air, oxygen, smoke, pollution. Particles: Rice, chalk, corn, dirt, dust, flour, grass, hair, pepper, salt, sand, sugar. Particles: Rice, chalk, corn, dirt, dust, flour, grass, hair, pepper, salt, sand, sugar. Abstractions: Beauty, confidence, education, fun, happiness, health, help, honesty, hospitality, intelligence, justice, music, peace, information, time, space, homework, Abstractions: Beauty, confidence, education, fun, happiness, health, help, honesty, hospitality, intelligence, justice, music, peace, information, time, space, homework,
Classify the following nouns into countable and noncountable world person happiness textbook ice acid family smoking pollution poetry applause thought banana conduct progress biology essay crystal shopping money coffee world person happiness textbook ice acid family smoking pollution poetry applause thought banana conduct progress biology essay crystal shopping money coffee Count nouns Non count nouns
Fill in the blank with the form of the noun in parentheses that is appropriate to the grammatical context of the sentence and the meaning of the passage as a whole Diabetes: Beyond the Basics Because diabetes can cause devastating _________ (damage, damages) to virtually all body ________ (system, systems), people with diabetes should not underrate the seriousness of their disease. Learning to live with a chronic ________ (illness, illnesses) such as diabetes must be an ongoing process. The Hospital's Center for Family Life Education is sponsoring a five-part educational series on diabetes. The series will begin on April 30 and continue through May 29. The _________ (program, programs) will be held in the second floor classroom of the Education Center from 7-9 p.m. The diabetes series is free and open to the public and will be of specific _________ (interest, interests) to people who have diabetes and their families and friends
Non-count Nouns conversation A:I'd like to buy some ____________. B:How much do you need? Let's see. Five ____s* should be enough. A:All right. Five____s of ________. B:Anything else? A:No, that will be all for today.
Count Nouns conversation A:I'd like to buy some _______________s. B:How many do you need? Let's see. Five ___ should be enough. A:All right. Five __________s. B:Anything else? A:No, that will be all for today