The Republic of Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northen Europe. It is bordered to the north by Estonia, to the south by Lithuania. Across the Baltic. Sea to the west lies Sweden
Information about our country Latvia is a little country in the East Europe. In the country there are 2 million inhabitants. Latvia`s teritory is 64, 000 km large. Latvia consists of four districts – Kurzeme, Latgale, Vidzeme, Zemgale. Our country is rich with lakes, rivers and forests. Latvia is a democratic country with it`s own culture and values.
RIGA The capital city of Latvia is Riga It is the cultural and industrial centre of the State
The most inportanat symbols of Latvia
Visit to Latvia and we would show you...
Game «Shape of Latvia» 2 people of each country You will get slice of our national bred You have to cut contour or shape of Latvia only using your mouth !!! Winner is he get the most perfect shape of Latvia!!!