Summary of Financial Performance Quarter Ended September 2010 San Joaquin General Hospital French Camp, California May 31, 2009 San Joaquin General Hospital French Camp, California November 23, 2010
11/23/2010ι 1 Dashboard – Volume, Payer Mix
11/23/2010ι 2 Dashboard – Volume, Payer Mix
11/23/2010ι 3 Dashboard – Revenue
11/23/2010ι 4 Dashboard – Revenue
11/23/2010ι 5 Dashboard – Expenses
11/23/2010ι 6 Dashboard – Expenses
11/23/2010ι 7 Dashboard – Cash and Accounts Receivable
11/23/2010ι 8 ADC vs. Non-physician FTEs Non-physician full time equivalents (FTEs) have declined over the past three fiscal years but have increased slightly in the first quarter due to the higher inpatient census.
11/23/2010ι 9 Monthly Trends Since April 2010 the average monthly losses have been about $1 million.
11/23/2010ι 10 Important Developments Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) – Currently recruiting Board of Directors and preparing to receive tax-exempt status approval. Medical Guarded Unit (MGU) – Finalizing budget with CDCR to complete Phase 2 construction. Medi-Cal 1115 Waiver – CMS approved Waiver on November 2, Components include: Delivery System Reform Incentive Pool (DSRIP) Low Income Health Program (LIHP) Medi-Cal Managed Care Expansion for SPD Continuation of the SNCP
11/23/2010ι 11 Medi-Cal Section 1115 Waiver Delivery System Reform Incentive Pool (DSRIP) –Funds based on achievement of milestones over specific time frames. Low Income Health Program (LIHP) Medicaid Coverage Expansion (MCE) – Adults up to 133% of FPL Health Care Coverage Initiative (HCCI) – Adults between 134% and 200% of FPL Responsibility for out-of-network Emergency Department visits, non-emergency transportation, mental health benefits County must expend their funds first to draw the new federal funds 1115 Waiver details to be developed over the next 60 days.