Understand the different breath types with SIMV Know the Phase variables of the different breath types: trigger/limit/cycle Know the breath sequence with SIMV Controlled variables: PC-CMV vs VC-CMV Understand the synchronization mechanism Initial settings of SIMV Adjustment of SIMV Indications, advantages and disadvantages
Periodic volume or pressure targeted breaths occur at set interval (time triggering) Between mandatory breaths, the patient breathes spontaneously at any desired baseline pressure without receiving a mandatory breath Patient can breathe either from a continuous flow or gas or from a demand valve
Breath Type ControlTriggerLimitCycle MandatoryPressure Or Volume Time Or Patient Time or Volume SpontaneousPatientPressureFlow
(L/m) Pressure (cm H 2 O) Volume (mL) M T supp T synch Set PS Level Flow-cycled Time (sec)
Flow (L/m) Pressure (cm H 2 O) Volume (mL) Spontaneous Breaths Time (sec) T synch
Flow (L/m) Pressure (cm H 2 O) Volume (mL) T supp T synch Time Cycled Flow-cycled T synch Set PC Level Set PS Level Time (sec)
Operates in the same way as IMV except that mandatory breaths are normally patient triggered rather than time triggered (operator set the volume or pressure target) As in IMV, the patient can breathe spontaneously through the ventilator circuit between mandatory breaths
At a predetermined interval (respiratory rate), which is set by the operator, the ventilator waits for the patient’s next inspiratory effort When the ventilator senses the effort, the ventilator assists the patient by synchronously delivering a mandatory breath
If the patient fails to initiate ventilation within a predetermined interval, the ventilator provides a mandatory breath at the end of the time period
Time (sec) Flow (L/m) Pressure (cm H 2 O) Cycles Triggered window for supported breaths Triggered window for synchronized breaths Mandatory Cycle Time M T supp T synch M T supp
Facilitate transition from full ventilatory support to partial support
ADVANTAGES Maintains respiratory muscle strength by avoiding muscle atrophy Decreases mean airway pressure Facilitates ventilator discontinuation – “weaning”! DISADVANTAGES When used for weaning, may be done too quickly and cause muscle fatigue Mechanical rate and spontaneous rate may asynchronous causing “stacking” May cause barotrauma or volutrauma
When used for weaning, may be done too quickly and cause muscle fatigue Mechanical rate and spontaneous rate may asynchronous causing “stacking” May cause barotrauma or volutrauma