By Kylie Schultz Plastic items
I think everyone should use less plastic.
Only 2 percent of the 32 billion pounds of plastic is recycled. We throw away 30 million water bottles everyday just in the United States The United States throws away 100 million plastic bags each year. The United States uses about 32 billion pounds of plastic products.
Fossil fuel is a non-renewable resource that takes millions of years to form underground and is commonly used to make plastic. Every step of producing plastic uses energy from creation, shipment, and disposal of plastic. After you throw plastic away it takes a long time to decompose because plastic is a man made material. A lot of energy is used to make plastic.
There is 46,000 floating pieces of plastic garbage for every square mile of ocean. All of this plastic in the ocean is harming wildlife. Birds and other animals die after eating or getting entangled in plastic. Plastic trash causes large amounts of pollution in the oceans.
Unknown. Plastic water bottles. Gogreen motivators. Web. 9 Feb Unknown. Landfill. U-drain. Web. 10 Feb Unknown. Recycle plastic bags. Lake county il. Web. 10 Feb Unknown. Trash. Web. 10 Feb Bibliography Unknown. Plastic recycling bundles. Heating oil. Web. 10 Feb Unknown. O cean trash. Yudulife. Web. 10 Feb Unknown. Living green. World book online. Web. 10 Feb Unknown. Plastic bags. ext.morianevalley. Web. 10 Feb "Introduction." Living Green. World Book, Web. 15 Feb Plastic Items." Living Green. World Book, Web. 15 Feb