Sect. 7.9: Lagrangian Formulation of Relativity (input from Marion!) We now see, in principal at least, how to generalize Newton’s 2 nd Law Equations of motion to Special Relativity. –But, see Goldstein Sect. 7.8, where Relativistic Angular Momentum is discussed. It’s NONTRIVIAL! Relativistic angular momentum & torque are 2 nd rank tensors! A natural question: How to generalize Lagrangian mechanics to Relativity? Or, what is an appropriate Relativistic Lagrangian? Two ways people have done this: 1. Try to obtain a covariant Hamilton’s Principle & Lagrange’s Equations. Treat space & time on equal footing in a 4d configuration space. 2. Don’t worry about 1. Try to find a Lagrangian which will (in some inertial frame) reproduce the Newton’s 2 nd Law Equations of motion obtained by using the spatial part of the Minkowski 4-force: K = (dp/dτ) = γ u (dp/dt)
Here, we focus on method 2. See Goldstein, Sect. 7.10, p for the details of method 1. My understanding is that both methods lead to the same PHYSICS! Consider the case of Conservative Forces. A Velocity independent potential energy V = V(x i ) exists. For simplicity, work in Cartesian spatial coordinates. Single particle only. Recall: In the Lagrange formalism, for Lagrangian L, the Cartesian momentum components (for 3d velocity u) are: p i (∂L/∂u i ) (1) Recall: The Relativistic Momentum: Cartesian components of the 3d vector: p = γmu [= m(dr/dτ)] p i = γmu i = mu i [1 - β 2 ] -½ = mu i [1 - β 2 ] -½ (2) Goal: Find a Lagrangian L for which (1) & (2) give the same momentum. (1) & (2) should be the SAME!
p i (∂L/∂u i ) mu i [1 - β 2 ] -½ (3) β = (u/c) What Lagrangian L gives Equation (3)? Actually, there is no UNIQUE answer to this question! One thing we can say is that (3) involves only the velocity of the particle. Expect the velocity independent part of L to be unchanged from the non-relativistic case. That is, the velocity independent part of L will still be the negative of the PE, -V. However, it is not clear that the velocity dependent part of L will be the Relativistic KE T! So, write: L T* - V (4) Choose T* = T*(u i ) so that (3) is satisfied: (∂T*/∂u i ) mu i [1 - β 2 ] -½ (5)
We can easily show that this gives: T* = -mc 2 [1 - β 2 ] ½ = -mc 2 γ -1 (6) L = - mc 2 [1 - β 2 ] ½ - V (7) V = V(x 1,x 2,x 3 ) β 2 = (u 2 /c 2 ) = c -2 [(u 1 ) 2 + (u 2 ) 2 + (u 3 ) 2 ] Using (7), we get the Lagrange Equations of motion in the usual way: (d/dt)[(∂L/∂u i )] - (∂L/∂x i ) = 0 Note: The Relativistic Lagrangian is NOT L = T - V, where T = Relativistic Kinetic Energy. This is because T = ([1 - β 2 ] -½ -1)mc 2 = (γ - 1) mc 2 T*
Simple Examples of Dynamics Example 1. Motion under a constant force –Examples: a. A particle of mass m in free fall under the Earth’s gravitational force. b. A particle of mass m & charge q in a constant electric field E. Take x as the direction of the constant force F. The velocity is in the x direction only. Define a (F/m). V = - max L = - mc 2 [1 - β 2 ] ½ + max (∂L/∂u) = cβ[1 - β 2 ] -½, (∂L/∂x) = ma Equation of motion: (d/dt)[(∂L/∂u)] - (∂L/∂x) = 0 (d/dt)(β[1 - β 2 ] -½ ) = (a/c) (1) Integrating (1) gives: β[1 - β 2 ] -½ = (at + α)/c (2) α = constant = v 0 = initial velocity. Solve (2) for β = (u/c) = [at + α][c 2 + (at + α) 2 ] -½ (3)
(3) u = (dx/dt) = c[at + α][c 2 + (at + α) 2 ] -½ (3a) Integrate (3a) (0 t, x 0 x): x - x 0 = c ∫ dt[at + α][c 2 + (at + α) 2 ] -½ x - x 0 = (c/a){[c 2 + (at + α) 2 ] ½ - [c 2 + α 2 ] ½ } Pick the initial conditions: t = 0, x 0 = 0, v 0 = α = 0. Then, simple algebra gives: (x + c 2 /a) 2 - c 2 t 2 = (c 4 /a 2 ) (4) This is a hyperbola in the x-t plane! Contrast this to the Freshman physics result: x = (½)at 2 (4a) A parabola in the x-t plane. Student exercise: Prove that (4a) is obtained from (4) in the non-relativistic limit: u = (dx/dt) << c. Hint: Also, (at + α) << c & v 0 = α << c
Example 2. The relativistic 1d Simple Harmonic Oscillator. L = - mc 2 [1 - β 2 ] ½ - (½)kx 2 We could solve this with L. Instead, note that, even in this relativistic problem, the total energy E is conserved. That is: E = T + V = constant, where T = relativistic KE. E = T + V = (mc 2 )[1 - β 2 ] -½ + (½)kx 2 = const (1) β = (u/c) = c -1 (dx/dt) Solving (1) gives [V = (½)kx 2 ] β 2 = (u/c) 2 = c -2 (dx/dt) 2 = 1 - m 2 c 4 (E-V) -2 (2) Gives u = u(x)!
β 2 = (u/c) 2 = c -2 (dx/dt) 2 = 1 - m 2 c 4 (E - V) -2 (2) Before doing the simple harmonic oscillator, first, briefly look at (2) in the general case where V = V(x) is symmetric about x = 0 & has a minimum there. The motion is oscillatory between 2 (symmetrically placed) turning points x b where b is determined by E = V( b). From (2) we can get t = t(x) in general. However, it’s useful to focus on the period of oscillation. Solve for dt & integrate. (t = 0 τ, x = 0 b): τ = (4/c)∫dx[1 - m 2 c 4 (E - V(x)) -2 ] -½ (3) Now, specialize to V(x) = (½)kx 2. In this case, (3) is an elliptic integral! The exact solution to the 1d relativistic simple harmonic oscillator is only possible in terms of elliptic integrals!
β 2 = (u/c) 2 = c -2 (dx/dt) 2 = 1 - m 2 c 4 (E - V) -2 (2) Instead of dealing with elliptic integrals, lets look at the 1d relativistic harmonic oscillator in the limit of small PE. That is, in the limit: V(x) = (½)kx 2 << mc 2 = E 0 = rest energy. Keep only the lowest order relativistic corrections to the usual harmonic oscillator solutions. In general, the energy is: E γmc 2. With γ = [1 - (u 2 /c 2 )] -½ Note: For small β 2 = (u/c) 2, γ 1 + (½)β 2 = 1 + (½) (u/c) 2 and E mc 2 [1 + (½)(u/c) 2 ] Change notation & write: E mc 2 [1 + ε], ε (u/c) [E - V(x)](mc 2 ) -1 1 + ε – (½)kx 2 (mc 2 ) -1 1 + ε - κx 2 with κ (½)k(mc 2 ) -1. In terms of the turning point at x = b, this has the form: (E - V(x))(mc 2 ) -1 = 1 + κ(b 2 - x 2 )
(E - V(x))(mc 2 ) -1 = 1 + κ(b 2 - x 2 ) (4) The period was: (x = 0 b): τ = (4/c)∫dx[1 - m 2 c 4 (E - V(x)) -2 ] -½ (3) Put (4) into (3) & expand the integrand to order (κb 2 ) 2 : τ (4/c)∫dx[2κ(b 2 - x 2 ) 2 ] -½ [1 – (¾)(b 2 - x 2 )] This integrates to give: τ (2π/c)(2κ) -½ [1 – (⅜)κb 2 ] = 2π(m/k) ½ [1 - (3/16) kb 2 (mc 2 ) -1 ] For the non-relativistic case, the period is τ 0 = 2π(m/k) ½ So, we can write: τ τ 0 [1 - (3/16) kb 2 (mc 2 ) -1 ] Define: The lowest order relativistic correction to the period: Δτ τ - τ 0 = - (3/16) τ 0 kb 2 (mc 2 ) -1 = - (⅜)ετ 0 Similarly, the lowest order relativistic correction to the frequency: Δν ν - ν 0 = (3/16) ν 0 kb 2 (mc 2 ) -1 = (⅜)εν 0
Summary: Relativistic 1d simple harmonic oscillator: Lowest order corrections to non- relativistic frequency & period are: (Δν/ν 0 ) = - (Δτ/τ 0 ) = (3/16) kb 2 (mc 2 ) -1 = (⅜)ε Physics: A simple harmonic oscillator, amplitude b. The period (& frequency) of a relativistic oscillator depends on amplitude, in sharp contrast to the non-relativistic case! The functional form of x(t)? Go back to c -2 (dx/dt) 2 = 1 - m 2 c 4 (E - V) -2 (2) Solve for dt & integrate to get t = t(x). In general, an elliptic integral. In the same (lowest order correction) approximation we just did, it can be done in closed form. Then, invert to get x(t). Student exercise!
Example 3. A relativistic charged particle in a constant magnetic field B. We could start with the Lagrangian L with the velocity-dependent potential of the form (Ch. 1, with relativistic correction): L = - mc 2 [1 - β 2 ] ½ - q + qA v –Use a gauge where the scalar potential = 0, & the vector potential A = (½)B r However, we know that this problem results in the Lorentz Force on a charged particle: F = q(v B) The equation of motion (from the relativistic force discussion) is: (dp/dt) = q(v B) = (q/m)γ -1 (p B) where p = γmv = Relativistic momentum
(dp/dt) = q(v B) = (q/m)γ -1 (p B) (1) Solving (1) is almost identical to solving the analogous equation in the non-relativistic limit, except for the presence of γ 1. The result is therefore qualitatively similar to the non- relativistic result: Because F v = 0, no work is done on the particle by the B field The energy E is constant. Also, the component of p along B is constant. The motion is in the plane B. We can easily show that the vector p precesses around the direction of B with a frequency: Ω = qB(mγ) -1. The only difference between this & the non-relativistic result is the γ 1 in the denominator. Ω Cyclotron Frequency. The particle is moving in a circle in the plane B. We can easily get the circle radius in terms of the momentum as: r = p(qB) -1 (the same as in the non-relativistic case!). Emphasize: We MUST use the relativistic momentum in all expressions!