Contain over 4000 chemicals, many of which have been shown to be detrimental to human health. Contain CO 2 a chemical that is toxic to organisms and can be harmful to cell growth and function. World wide research shows that smoking is responsible for 6 million deaths annually. It is known that cigarettes contain mutagenic and carcinogenic substances.
Smoke that is given off by the end of the smokers’ cigarette as well as what the smoker exhales. Detrimental to health, but it does not do as much damage as smoking a cigarette yourself. Is responsible for 3000 lung cancer deaths annually in non- smokers. Also very harmful to young children and teens as it can cause many problems,
Unicellular eukaryote that has many different forms. The most studied eukaryotic cell. Has many characteristics that are similar to those of human cells like nutrition and cell growth Rely primarily on aerobic respiration to produce energy, thus if oxygen is reduced, growth rate declines as anaerobic metabolism is activated.
Many people in America and all over the world smoke cigarettes. How much damage do these people cause to themselves and others? The purpose of this experiment was to determine which type of cigarette causes the least amount of damage to smokers cells. Yeast was used as a human cell analog
Null: Cigarette smoke will not have a significant effect on yeast survivorship. Alternative: Cigarette smoke will reduce yeast survivorship.
Yeast culture Saccharomyces Cerevisiae 44 sterile YEPD (.5% Yeast extract, 2% peptone, 2% glucose) agar plates Sterile micro pipettes and tips (1000 mL and 200 mL) Sharpie Spreader bar Klett Spectrophotometer Ethyl alcohol Burner Sealed cardboard box with lid 3 cigarette brands (Marlboro, Camel Menthol, and Pall Mall were used in this experiment) Ash tray Stop watch
1.Saccharomyces Cerevisiae was grown overnight in sterile YEPD media. 2.The culture was placed in an incubator (30 o C) until a density of 50 Klett spectrophotometer units were reached. This represents a density of approximately 10 7 cells/mL. 3.The culture was diluted in sterile dilution fluid to a concentration of 10 5 cells/mL µL of cell culture was then added to the test tubes, yielding a final volume of 10mLs and a cell density of approximately 10 3 cells/mL.
5.The solution was mixed by vortexing and allowed to sit at room temperature for 15 minutes. 6.After vortexing to evenly suspend cells, 100µL aliquots were removed from the tubes and spread on YEPD agar plates. 7.The plates were exposed to cigarette smoke for different time increments. 8.The plates were incubated at 30 o C for 48 hours. 9.The resulting colonies were counted. Each colony is assumed to have arisen from one cell.
Smoke Effects On Survivorshiop ColoniesColonies Overall P value: min P value: min P value:.0001
GroupT valueInterpretation Marlboro 1 minute 2.66 Significant Marlboro 2 minutes 3.97Not Significant Menthol 1 minute 4.11Not Significant Menthol 2 minutes 4.98Not Significant Pall Mall 1 minute 4.51Not Significant Pall Mall 2 minutes 4.84Not Significant T Crit=3.49
In conclusion the data shows that cigarettes were damaging in both high and low concentrations. This change was not significant between brands and times as indicated by the 1 and 2 minute P values. The overall P value indicates that there is a significant change between the control and the variable groups. This data supports the alternative and refutes the null.
This experiment could be extended in order to find a way to repair the damage caused by smoke. More brands could be tested. More time increments could be tested Different number of cigarettes Could be tested on macro organisms
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