WELCOME BACK MEMBERS! Student education association first meeting
SOCIAL MEDIA Websites Nea.org Ieanea.org Ilstusea.weebly.com Go over PayPal for less congestion at the end - Still need to fill out paper membership form! Facebooks IEASP Student Education Association ISU Twitters – livestream for questions? Twitter handle Instagrams Ieasp ISU account coming soon!
INTRODUCTIONS President – Kaleigh Soumar President elect – Megan Pratt Vice president – Lyndi Schiff Treasurer – Amanda Johnston Secretary – Sarah Kalis Service chair – Hannah Bobrytzke Social chair – Kristina Austin Recruitment chair – Andreas Otil Public relations chair – Amanda Ciss 2 iea representatives – Jillian Issacson and Julia Egan 2 advisors – Ken Fansler and Sandra Osorio
WHAT IS IEA-NEA? Who are we? How do we do this? Why do we do this? Prezi about iea and nea
SEA AT ISU Who are we? One of the largest education rsos on campus for pre-service teachers Student program of iea-nea – largest in the state How do we do this? Focus on teacher quality, political action, community outreach Monthly meetings Socials and volunteer hours Multiple benefits – in the coming slides! Member dues Why do we do this?
FUTURE MEETINGS – MAY MISS 1 MEETING Monday, October 12 th Monday, November 9 th Monday, November 30 th All are in stv 101 from 7-8 p.m.
FUTURE SOCIALS – 3 REQUIRED Sign up for retired mentors Post on social media for a credit
FUTURE VOLUNTEER – 3 REQUIRED Partners in Reading - meet weekly with an elementary aged student and practice reading skills -sign up at normalpl.org/kids/partners Boys & Girls Club -must attend training session -must apply
IF YOU MEET REQUIREMENTS BOTH SEMESTERS… You receive a Professional development certificate! Life happens – talk to an exec
CORDS! Join and pay dues your senior year During senior year, attend either fall or spring conference – this is where you receive the cords Free!!! – royal blue and white
CONFERENCES T21 Friday, September 18 th from 9 to 5 p.m. in bone student center 3 sessions = pd certificate Advisory board Sunday, September 20 th from 11 – 3 p.m. (?) Fall conference Friday, November 20 th – Saturday, November 21 st in lisle Scholarships and mini resumes due Pd certificate
WRAP UP Small groups for questions by majors Don’t forget to pay your dues and fill out membership form Show an exec your post on social media for a social credit Sign up for retired mentors and t21 con Thank you for coming – see you October 12 th !!!!