1 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech(LBFE-S) IT University Of Copenhagen Thesis Presentation By: Muhammed Marouf Supervisors: John Aasted Sørensen Michael Lund
2 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech(LBFE-S) Problem Formulation LBFE-S is a combination of Lcation Based Technologies, Speech Technologies and XML. LBFE-S will enable the users to Download or to Upload files depending on their physical location and the current time. The whole system will be controlled by speech.
3 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech(LBFE-S) Problem Formulation The system will run in an Indoor Environment The system can run in many Areas Schools (labs and classes). Hospitals (doctor’s offices) Offices (manager office).
4 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech(LBFE-S) Requirements Hardware Mobile Device. WLAN Card. Software Ekhau application Java speech API. IBM software (Recognizer and Synthesizer).
5 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech(LBFE-S) Technologies Position Technologies : WLAN. Ekahau Position Engine. Speech Technologies: Java Speech Api. IBM ViaVoice Engine. XML.
6 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech(LBFE-S) LBFE-S Design and Structure LBFE-S Client Module. LBFE-S Server Module. LBFE-S Client Server requirements(SW, HW) LBFE-S Client Server Communication. IBM Recognizer and Synthesizer. The GUI module. XML Files.
7 Location Based File Exchange Controlled By Speech(LBFE-S) Implementation The system will be implemented by Using Java Programming Language. JSAPI. IBM ViaVoice Engine. XML.