A fairy-tale about the Dying Swan. Тема проекта: Сказка об умирающем лебеде Объектом изучения в рамках проекта является русская культура. Предмет исследования:


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Presentation transcript:

A fairy-tale about the Dying Swan

Тема проекта: Сказка об умирающем лебеде Объектом изучения в рамках проекта является русская культура. Предмет исследования: творческий путь Анны Павловой, знаменитой по всему миру балерины. Цель исследования: определить, как творческий путь Анны Павловой повлиял на мировую культуру. Задачи исследования: 1.Изучить биографию Анны Павловой. 2.Выделить фрагменты биографии, оказавшие влияние на мировую культуру. 3.Систематизировать информацию, оформить презентацию. 4.Представить работу на английском языке, как языке международного общения в виде мультимедийного проекта (содержит слайды, видео, обеспечен устный последовательный перевод на русский язык для жюри).

One day there was born a girl who made Russian classical ballet special forever. Her name is Anna Pavlova. And she played a lot of roles: she was a teacher, a stage manager and a producer. She established traditions of Russian dance school abroad. She was famed for her dance in concert etude “The Dying Swan”

Anna Pavlova was born in Saint-Petersburg in When she was 5 her mother took her to the Mariinsky Theatre “Sleeping Beauty” performance which determined her fate. We were very, very poor, but my mother always managed on major holidays give me any pleasure... From the memories of Anna Pavlova She was tall and slim, with long legs and hands. Being young she possessed neither “steel toe” nor virtuosity. At the same time, she was so nimble that with great success she performed multi-character classical roles.

In 1906 Anna became leading ballet dancer. Years of Ann’s appearance were the period of search in Russian ballet. So Mikhail Fokine, her partner and future famous choreographer, made a new form of ballet where Anna Pavlova was the first performer of key roles. She had a very special dancing style and her aerial leap encouraged Michael Fokine to create romantic performances. Her flying arabesque was painted by Valentin Serov on the poster to her first “Russian Seasons” in Paris in 1909.

Anna Pavlova was not only a perfect psychological actress but also a neo-romantic ballet-dancer. She had a fine appreciation of every performance. Fokine created famous “The Dying Swan” for her. She didn’t think about innovation, but she reformed the ballet only with her appearance and manner of dancing. She changed the world attitude to the ballet forevermore. Seeing the performance of this miniature, Camille Saint-Saëns said, "Madam, thanks to you I realized that I wrote beautiful music!" But the composer was surprised by the tragic interpretation of his music. In a series of "Carnival of the Animals", the swan does not die, and the music is written in a major key.

Anna left the Mariinsky Theatre in Anna had previously met a man. His name was Victor Dandre. He rented an apartment for Pavlova. They got married in Paris secretly. Dandre took up all deals of her own troupe: he made contracts, took care about advertisement, talked with reporters. Pavlova performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1913 and Her last concert was in Moscow. Then she travelled in Europe, USA, Asia and Australia. Anna was a selfish person, very hard-working and in spite of external vulnerability very adventurous.

Anna Pavlova and Victor Dandre lived in London in the mansion “Ivy-house”. She adored animals and birds and also flowers. She didn’t have her own children and started to teach ballet to English children. There is also a unique filming with Pavlova dancing “The Dying Swan”. It was her favourite performance and her last words before the death were: “Prepare my Swan suit!” She didn’t mean her life without a dance and died in 50 being world famous.

Anna Pavlova was a person of her time. She liked fashion. Clothes style “a la Pavlova” became very popular. She brought into vogue Spanish shawl with fringes and hats, which she could wear in a very elegant manner.

Dandre made some photoshoots for her. She liked to pose with swans. All in all, the story of a ballet dancer, who was a daughter of a laundress and a military retiree, looks like a fairy-tale. But sometimes fairy-tales come to life. She reached her pinnacle of fame, wealth and success.

So, what is left from the image of Anna Pavlova nowadays? Fashion «La Pavlova»… Thousands of internet pages with her name… A cloud melting in the blue sky far away… A fairy-tale about the incomparable ballet dancer who’s fame is still remembered…

Выводы: 1.Изучение биографии знаменитого человека позволяет выявить обстоятельства и черты характера, которые объясняют влияние этого человека на мировую культуру. 2.Оставить след в мировой культуре можно лишь посредством диалога при выполнении ряда условий: равенства всех культур, признания права каждой культуры на отличия от других, уважения к чужой культуре. 3.Анна Павлова действительно повлияла на мировую культуру: балет приобрел психологическую составляющую (стали цениться не только физические данные артистов балета, но и умение давать психологическую интерпретацию танца). Имя Анны Павловой оставило след в хореографии и живописи, музыке, и даже в мире фотографии и моды. 4.Английский как язык международного общения – прекрасное вербальное средство для осуществления диалога культур. А балет – одно из невербальных средств такого диалога, на развитие которого значительно повлияла русская культура.