Low emission zone and other measures to make goods distribution more clean and efficient Gustav Friis – City of Aalborg
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Aalborg in Europe
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Aalborg Facts Total population 200,000 inhabitants City population 120,000 inhabitants Municipality area: 1,144 km 2 Road network: 2,000 km
Freight Legacy
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Efficient goods distribution – an overview Investigation of the potential for city logistics in Aalborg ( ) Establishment of a Steering Committee ( ) More efficient distribution in cities (2000)
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg First projects Collaborative project: Ministry of transport, Copenhagen, Aarhus and Aalborg (2001) ”Efficient goods distribution in Aalborg” ( )
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Efficient goods distribution in Aalborg Registration of time consumption in pedestrian areas ☺ Change in direction of travel ☺ Road space for offloading and giving way ☺ Two persons in one vehicle Co-ordinated scheduling ☺ Last mile delivery service One store for freight delivery Behavioural change amongst drivers – role models ☺ Back door delivery (☺)
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg The way to success The way to successful implementation of goods distribution solutions in Aalborg has been to focus on: Creating a stakeholder platform with stakeholders from authorities, freight operators and shops, making them collaborate. Every opinion and every interest are valid. Changes happen on the basis of stakeholder voluntariness. Members of the steering committee have been willing to make compromises to improve freight. Why don’t continue this work?
Low Emission Zone
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Low Emission Zone in Aalborg The City of Aalborg implemented the Low Emission Zone in February 2009 The Environmental Zone includes trucks and buses above 3.5 tonnes. The requirements are: The vehicles must fulfil Euro IV or have a particulate filter installed The requirements are present in the green areas besides the red transit routes.
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Distribution of trucks on EURO norms
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg What about the emissions? Based on the distribution the emission reductions in the zone have been modelled: CO: 32 % HC: 29 % NOx: 29 % Because of particle filters the reduction in particles is bigger (30% +)
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Air quality Difficult to see any changes in air quality. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency have had a report elaborated which states that there on short term is a positive impact on the air quality. But it is small.
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Air quality NO 2 ave. (µg/m 3 ) NO 2 max. (µg/m 3 ) NO 2 min. (µg/m 3 ) Number of exceedances Without LEZ With LEZ Without LEZ With LEZ Without LEZ With LEZ PM 2.5 ave. (µg/m 3 ) PM 2.5 max. (µg/m 3 ) PM 10 ave. (µg/m 3 ) PM 10 max. (µg/m 3 ) Without LEZ With LEZ Without LEZ With LEZ Without LEZ With LEZ Climate Change solutions 1:1 - The city of Aalborg [1] [1] Number of exceedances of NO 2 limit value of 40µg/m 3 counted as exceedances of the value 40.5µg/m 3.
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Part of the explanation … And various other pollutants
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Moving in the right direction The low emission zone has pushed forward the change to newer vehicles. Vans can be included in the low emission zone if the limit values for emissions are exeeded. This is not the case in Aalborg New government – new clean zone possibilities?
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg National project Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg National funding – the ministry of transport wants to investigate the possibilities for off peak distribution in cities The cities participate as test sites The project is formed by the cities, stores, city associations and freight operators Demonstration projects are being developed Aalborg in particular wants to build upon its experiences on voluntarily co-operation and compromises.
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Pre-analysis for the heavy duty vehicle strategy The City of Aalborg wants to know the flow of goods vehicles in the City Centre as input to a future heavy duty vehicle strategy Especially the flow can be useful to revise the current time window for distribution The distribution vehicles will be monitored by 17 bluetooth units at the most important entries to the city centre. Four distribution companies are participating. A unit in the car will be monitored by the bluetooth units both when the vehicle is entering the centre and when its leaving again
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Heavy Duty Vehicle Strategy The work with the strategy is ongoing to agree on how to work with freight and goods distribution in the future This involves specific initiatives on regulation, ITS, management and further co-operation between the city, freight operators, shops etc. The City needs goods, but it have a range of negative impacts to distribute it. Noise, pollution etc. The strategy wants to address this challenge, by setting up solutions to balance this.
CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES in Aalborg Event Date Location Speaker Thank you! Gustav Friis City of Aalborg