BOT Excom 11/07/2013
Project overview LeveragesW 28W 29W 30W 31W 32W 33W 34W 35W 36 Product Work Package 1 Work Package 2 Technique Content Clients w/o feeds Feed decreased Offer merger Top search Categorisation Omniture (KPI) Traffic Deduplication SEM analysis SEO analysis 2 Design TestsDevelopments Beta tests TestsDevelopments Tests (browsers, OS, devices) Package 1: Design Beta tests 25%75%100% Complete audit of RANI categorisation Manual fixes and improvements 50% Reliable KPI OURS Marketing Front Office QA Co-Design IT Developments Sales Content Search Engine Operations
Main achievements (W 28)Next steps (W 29) Technique Functional and performance tests of devices, OS and browsers: Deactivation of social network buttons for IE7 Go pages restored (Ad blockers) Deactivation of tags Focus on IPAD and Windows 8 improvements (functional et performance) Marketing Definition and scheduling of work packages to improve the product UX enhancement. Delivery of designs for the work package 1 (improvements of result pages) Content Beginning of the client follow up call campaigns (clients without feeds and client for whom feeds decreased). Coverage of 25% of the client without feeds list and 100% of the client “feeds decreased” list Tackle categorisation anomalies reported Traffic Analysis of “deduplication” variations Report of findings from the “deduplication” analysis. Progress Report