WP2 – Engagement and Dissemination HN Annual Review 1.


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Presentation transcript:

WP2 – Engagement and Dissemination HN Annual Review 1

WP Objectives The purpose of WP2 is to communicate that HELIX NEBULA – the Science Cloud - is the beginning of a new infrastructure being built in Europe through Public/Private Partnership and the benefits that will bring. Specific goals Present policy-makers, funding agencies and infrastructure operators with an effective alternative to capital-intensive investment in e-infrastructures Encourage scientists to see this "Science Cloud" as their first choice of working environment by demonstrating that concerns about putting research data and software ‘on the cloud’ are being addressed sensibly Mobilise the supplier community (especially telecoms providers, the IT industry and innovative SMEs) to participate and benefit from the public/private partnership Ensure that publicity about HELIX NEBULA is positive and focuses on the efficiencies it brings to the research communities and the societal benefits that can result. 2

Effort Contribution Lead Beneficiary: CSA EMEA Person-Months per Participant ParticipantPerson- months EGI.eu3.00 EMBL1.00 T-Systems1.00 Atos3.00 CloudSigma1.00 SAP1.00 Logica Germany 1.00 CNR1.00 CSA EMEA15.00 TOTAL27 M23 M12 M1 WP2 3

WP2 Deliverables and Milestones – Period 1 TypeDel. noNameNatureDissemination level Date Delivered Deliverable2.1Communication PlanReportPU05/09/2012 Milestone 5 Short-term Delivery- planning is complete ReportPU11/12/2012 Milestone6 Communication plan delivery ReportPU19/06/2013 4

Web site Flagship use cases; How to become a member of the HN community; Events Highlights updated with related articles, announcements and news. Registration to Newsletter Direct link to the HN accounts in the social networks HN material online: HN video and interviews, as well as the HN flyer. 5

Branding materials Helix Nebula website graphic design templates (M1) Helix Nebula PowerPoint Presentation Template (M1) Helix Nebula deliverable templates (M1) Helix Nebula flyer (M5) Helix Nebula newsletter template (M4) 6

Overall modifications, corrective actions, re-tuning of objectives D2.1 Communication Plan updated with feedback from T-Systems Further collection of stakeholders compared to communication plan published in M3 7

Scientific/technical achievements and their impact Helix Nebula Architecture: 544 downloads Strategic Plan for a Scientific Cloud Computing infrastructure for Europe: 282 downloads Communication Plan: 137 downloads Requirements Template: 115 downloads 8

Contribution to the dissemination of project results Significant communication results: 14 new partners including 3 new candidates demand-side stakeholders+ additional interest in membership. Helix Nebula presented at 44 events to target audiences as set out in the Communication Plan, e.g: -Policy makers, eScience end users, industry (4 events, e.g. RSA Conference, San Francisco, USA, 25 January-01 March 2013) -Industry, government and research communities (5 events, e.g. EC Workshop on Towards an EU strategy of Cloud computing for government and science, Brussels, 26 November 2012) -Industry and Service Providers (3 events: ISACA INSIGHTS, Berlin, 11 June 2013) -European eResearch (4 events, e.g. 10th e-Infrastructure Concentration Meeting, Brussels, March 2013) -Academia & industry, Science and research (3 events, e.g. ISC Cloud’12, Mannheim,Germany, 24 September 2012) etc. 9

Helix Nebula initiative members Helix Nebula Users Helix Nebula AdoptersHelix Nebula Suppliers Atos CloudSigma Cloud Security Alliance Dante - Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe European Grid Infrastructure Interoute Logica SAP SixSq T-Systems Terradue The Server Labs European Organisation for Nuclear Research European Molecular Biology Laboratory European Space Agency Centre National d'Études Spatiales German Aerospace Center Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment at the National Research Council AWST - Applied Science, Software and Technology Capgemini Orange Telefonica Thales Trust-IT Services Switch ECMWF OpenNebula Ifremer CNRS Trinity College Dublin Visio Terra – Science Consulting for Earth Observation 10

Communication Activities Helix Nebula website complete 3 Helix Nebula articles published by the HN consortium 3 newsletters 24 articles written by outside organizations mention HN (HPC, ISGTW, CORDIS news etc) - GigaOM network broadcasted video on HN. 11

Online Presence 31 videos (including ESRIN HN Public event ‘Results and Engagement’) 30 interviews/articles (including at GigaOM Structure Data in October 2012) 12

Social Media Metrics Facebook: total likes friends of fans Weekly Total Reach Twitter: - 50 re-tweeted posts from January-June other accounts’ tweets mention Helix Nebula - 46 new followers from January-June 2013 LinkedIn: - From 122 to 137 members (31% senior, 20% managers, 11% Entry, 8% CXO, 8% Director, 7% owner) - 15 on-going discussions 13

Website Analytics Total page views across all pages on the site from June 2012-June 2013:

Dissemination Activities Events Participation - Visibility - New partner members - Commercial, social project impact Number of participated events: - 44 past events published on website At least 11 more upcoming events. 15

Exploitation and use of foreground Publication of the results of the security assessment as a STAR registry entry Use CSA Cloud Control Matrix and Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ) to conduct security challenge in HN Presentation of results at CSA’s EMEA Congress in Edinburgh, September

Collaboration with other beneficiaries Advisory on the project on Virtual Machine image validation. Contribution to security requirements through WP3 and WP5. STAR (Cloud Security Alliance Security, Trust and Assurance Registry) entry for the Helix Nebula Blue box. 17

Interaction with other FP7 projects and stakeholders outside the consortium HN Presented to: A4Cloud CUMULUS CIRRUS 44 events CSA membership – e.g. at CSA events. Potential new supply and demand-side members Supplier co-operation – e.g. with Enstratius 18