The Tropical Rainforest Sharon Baick, Kelly Park, Yvette Piedra
Rarely gets higher than 93 ° F Rarely drops below 68 °F Average humidity is between 77 & 88 % Rainfall is > 100 inches a year Temperature
R AINFALL rainfall is often more than 100 inches a year The trees themselves give off water through the pores of their leaves (transpiration); it accounts for as much as half of the precipitation in the rain forest With over 80 inches of rain per year, plants have made adaptations that helps them shed water off their leaves
T YPES OF O RGANISMS Africa forest elephant Bengal tiger Chimpanzee Dawn bat Golden lion tamarin Harpy eagle Orangutan Silvery gibbon Vampire bat Kinkajou (flavus)
L INN ’ S S LOTH Adaptations To defend itself and climb trees, the sloth has developed two claws on each front foot. The greenish color helps camouflage itself in the rainforest’s lush environment It has an algae that grows on its fur that gives it nutrients by licking itself Big pouch stomach that helps digest though cellulose in the leaves it eats
V AMPIRE B AT Adaptations Thumb claw that sticks out from the front of its wing to aid climbing around prey Specialized infrared sensors on its nose used to perceive temperature Front teeth specialized for cutting
K INKAJOU Adaptations Sharp claws help them climb trees and their long tails help them hang from tree to tree (due to its grip) Teeth are good for eating and ripping food found in the rainforest Benefits from the environment by eating insects such as termites
H UMAN THREATS Large hydroelectric projects Inundation of forest tracts (flat land) Pollutions Urbanization deforestation Hunting/Poaching Introduction of alien species foreign plants/ animals Tourism