Google+ Hangouts How Google+ Can Help Your Business David Jones II, 3Lions Media
What is Google+?
Google+ & “The Hangout” “Hanging out” may not sound professional, but this video- conference feature has the potential to change the way businesses communicate. Social media has led to a decline in interpersonal communication, but the Hangout may reverse that trend. With the ability to see dozens of people face to face, Plus can be useful for communication in and among businesses.
Practical Uses
Meetings Rather than driving across town (or walking across the office), we’ll be able to talk in person with someone from our own desk. Where an isn’t enough, a phone call can be a quick solution. However, a call can interrupt your workflow, and a missed call may go unnoticed. With a hangout, you can start the conversation, then continue working. When the other person is ready, they’ll join in. Two heads are better than one, but sometimes even that’s not enough. You can add as many people as you want mid-conversation, and see them all face-to-face. Or you could even host an all-company meeting from across the country– and know that everyone is there and involved.
Customer Service Nothing says customer service like face-to-face communication. Rather than having customers or clients call in, give them a link to a live hangout with a customer service representative. It’s also a great way to check in with your clients. Ad agencies can “hang out” with a client to show the progress on the latest project. Rather than taking time to go meet the client to check in, you can show them your work instantly using the Hangout.
Promotions/Follow-Ups Promotions and giveaways can be a great way to get potential customers involved. Do a live giveaway among your customers or clients. Rather than having someone “like” your page to earn entry into a drawing, get them to show up to a hangout. Follow-ups could be key also! After a hangout, your stream shows everyone who was present, so that you know exactly who was there and who wasn’t. This makes it easy to follow up with customers or clients who were involved in the conversation, or new people you met in the hangout.
“Creating & Maintaining Relationships is what Google+ is all about.”