Gwernyfed High School Small Rural Comprehensive Approx 600 pupils 70 students in years 12 and 13 1 lesson per fortnight on wider key skills for year 13 In year 12, 1.5 hour WKS session in Induction week followed by 1.5 hours as part of PSE programme in December.
Project Aims To help students develop and gain accreditation for the wider key skills from the school’s extensive enrichment programme. To use a Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle) to help deliver and monitor a WKS programme.
Mapping skills to Activities
Delivering WKS with very little time! Resources are loaded onto the school’s VLE and students can access it both at home and in school. Different activities linked to both the techniques and knowledge associated with the skill and the application of skills Course: Wider Key Skills – IOLP
Monitoring progress Assignments can be set with students uploading their work. WKS101: Assignments Tutors provide written feedback and students are automatically notified of the feedback by . Students can keep a progress journal which the tutor has access to and can provide support through. WKS101: Journals
Where next? Activity reports suggest some students are ‘browsing’ rather than interacting fully with the online material. A portfolio module for Moodle has been loaded but as yet we have not used it with students until we have tested it with ‘Dummy students’. Courses need enriching with materials and possibly, over the long term, differentiated into levels.