Validation of Non-formal Adult Education courses Reflection Questions for Ghent REACTION No CP LT-GRUNDTVIG-G1
Reflection 1 Is the model applicable in your HEI? What benefits would the model bring to your existing system? What difficulties would having such a model pose for your HEI? Are there any obvious weaknesses in the proposed system from the point of view of your HEI
Reflection 2 Is the model applicable in your NGO/NFAEP? What benefits would the model bring to the systems that you now use? What difficulties would having such a model pose for your NFAEP? Are there any obvious weaknesses in the proposed system from the point of view of NFAEPs
Examples Do you have any examples of when such a process worked? Why did it work? What were the essential components? Do you have any examples of when such a process was very difficult? Why did it not work? What were the key barriers?
Recommendations As a HEI what recommendations would you make about the application of this model? From a NFAEP perspective what recommendations would you bring forward?