According to OfSTED: “the plenary is poorly used if it is simply a bolt-on-extra which provides an opportunity for groups of pupils to present their work daily; it is essential time for making sure that pupils have grasped the objectives and made progress, so that the next lesson can begin on firm foundations”
Objectives for today: By the end of the session you should understand the purposes of a consolidation phase / plenary in a lesson have developed some ideas for rounding off a lesson effectively.
TASK How did you end the last 4 sessions that you taught? Why did you end them in this way?
TASK What is the purpose of plenaries? For Teachers For Students
Lesson Ends Should: have a Purpose P have an Impact be Planned engage Students P I S
A Plenary Draws together the whole class, usually after group or individual work Occurs at strategic moments in the teaching sequence Often occurs at the end of a lesson
TASK From the pack you have been given choose one plenary to use in your lessons next week.
The last ten minutes of a lesson can be fun and motivating The last ten minutes of a lesson can be fun and motivating. Ending it properly can motivate the students and improve your classroom management.