Emerging Technologies for Games Deferred Rendering CO3303 Week 22
Today’s Lecture 1.Forward Rendering – Issues 2.Deferred Rendering – Concept 3.The G-Buffer 4.Light Volumes 5.Light Quads 6.Ambient & Directional Lights 7.Pros / Cons 8.Advanced Approaches
Forward Rendering Forward Rendering is the name for the method of rendering we have used in all material so far: –Render geometry and light effects on the geometry in a single pass –From mesh to back buffer in one step To do this we need to know all the lights that affect each particular polygon –Not convenient because lights and geometry are independent –Geometry moves around, the lights might move around differently –The lights affecting geometry are constantly changing We’ve generally used a brute force solution –Store a global list of lights –Use a shader that renders all lights on all objects –Cost of this naïve approach = Num Objects x Num Lights
Forward Rendering Try to render this: Brute force not effective –100’s of lights –Lots of geometry –Pixel shader far too slow How to resolve this? Well, notice the light radiuses are small –Any light only affects local geometry, not whole scene
Forward Rendering Small light radius and fixed light positions –Majority of lights in a typical scene Use a spatial partition: –Each partition stores lights that affect it –Geometry only uses lights affecting its own partition –Much smaller number of lights to render in shader Basis of most forward renderers
Forward Rendering Here’s a problem: Small radiuses maybe… –But a huge number in the same place –Dynamic models, makes the partition solution harder Huge number of lights to render in one place And yet the background is barely affected Big variation in shaders needed
Forward Rendering So another key problem is the pixel shader –Do we write one shader that can handle any number of lights? Conditional branching will be inefficient –Or one shader for every combination A shader for 1 point light, another shader for 2, and 3. Then a shader for 1 point and 1 spot light, etc. Shader explosion, batching problems In summary Forward Rendering can be effective but: –Need a slow uber-shader, or lots of shaders and batch problems –Doesn’t work well with lots of lights in one place –Or a huge object affected by different lights in different parts –Probably need partitioning scheme for efficiency - more work –Difficult to work with many dynamic lights
Deferred Rendering Deferred Rendering decouples geometry from lighting Splits the rendering process into two stages: –First render geometric information without lighting, store this data –Then render the effect of each light in turn, accumulating the result –Idea is to reduce the cost to: Num Objects + Num Lights
G-Buffer First step is to render the geometry to the g-buffer –G-buffer is several textures holding geometry & surface data Example g-buffer: Texture 1: Diffuse colour –The basic colour at that pixel Texture 2: World position –Where the pixel is in the world Texture 3: World normal –What direction the surface is pointing at that pixel
G-Buffer A pixel shader can render to several render targets at the same time –So we can build these three textures all in one pass with a special pixel shader So we start by rendering the scene with fairly standard vertex shaders With a special MRT pixel shader to fill the g-buffer –Although unusual this pixel shader is quite simple MRT = Multiple Render Target
G-Buffer Data in the g-buffer is anything we need to calculate a lit version of the scene –Exact contents are up to us. The typical g-buffer is much more complex than the example given on the previous slide. –In particular, rarely store position as it can be derived from depth A large g-buffer is a major performance drain –Memory access is slow, cache misses make it worse So data compression in the g-buffer is common –E.g. Store X & Y of normal, together with a single bit for direction. Calculate Z from this. Faster compared to texture look-up.
Lighting Volumes The g-buffer is not displayed, it’s data for the next step Render the actual scene by going through each light and rendering it’s effect on the geometry Consider a point light, it will light up a sphere around itself –At a certain distance attenuation will reduce the light to almost zero So to render the effect of a point light, we render a sphere For each pixel in the sphere, find if it is actually lit up Use the data in the g-buffer to calculate the amount of light –Use the usual lighting equations Do this for every light and accumulate = rendered scene
Lighting Volumes / Quads Same concept works for spotlights –Except they would be bounded by a cone Don’t need high-poly spheres or cones –These volumes are used only to limit the number of pixels we attempt to light In fact can just use a bounding quad for each light –A rectangle that covering the area potentially affected by the light –A quad is less polygons to render than a sphere –But a less tight fit, will consider pixels that couldn’t be lit Calculating the bounding quad has some details –A sphere seen in perspective becomes an ellipse –There’s a method shown in the lab
Bounding Quads Example A visualisation of the lighting stage –Red: the bounding quads rendered around each light –Bright green: pixels within the quad that actually received any light
Depth When rendering a light volume or quad, some pixels within the area may too far away or too near - not affected by light Can use depth to reject pixels that are within the 2D area of the light volume / quad, but are actually far away With light volumes, use stencil buffer methods to identify the pixels inside With quads it is easy to reject pixels that are in front, less easy for distant pixels In practice the work involved can outweigh the advantages Can use stencil buffer to detect pixels inside volumes
Ambient / Directional / Transparency Ambient light & directional light both affect all pixels –So render these with a full screen quad and g-buffer data –Ambient is very simple, directional not much harder Can do these two together –Since in most scenes there is only one directional light Convenient as the first lighting pass –Lay down an initial lighting level for every pixel before accumulating all the point and spot lights on top On a separate point, note that transparent geometry does not work with standard deferred techniques. –Because the g-buffer only stores the nearest pixel, see through pixels are not accounted for
Pros/Cons of Deferred Pros: –Lights become very cheap to render –No need for complex partitioning to manage lights –Shaders become simpler, less of them –Better batching performance –G-buffer data can be reused for post-processing Cons: –Huge g-buffer can be a slow down –G-buffer compression to counter this reduces material flexibility –Transparent objects don’t work, must be rendered separately –MSAA becomes very difficult due to g-buffer –Not actually particularly useful in some scenes (daylight) –More advanced techniques are getting very complex
Advanced Approaches This has been a very brief overview of the topic –There are many complexities to consider, and variations on the approach Most notable variants: –Light Pre-pass: Only store normals, use to calculate lighting only. Render a second geometry pass to combine lighting with materials. Reduces g-buffer size –Light Indexed: Lighting pass stores a light ID only per-pixel, second geometry pass can look up exactly what lights affect a pixel. A mix of forward and deferred. –Tiled (popular now): Split screen into tiles, for each tile find the intersecting light volumes. Calculate the lighting for all these lights on one tile simultaneously.