Copyright © 2002 Legato Systems, Inc. <0.2 Venu Varma D 1777/1778 <0.2 Venu Varma D 1777/1778 Legato Confidential ()
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 2 Introduction Prerequisites for attending this TOI session Overview and Benefits of the new feature Installation considerations How to configure/enable the feature Using the feature Licensing considerations Architecture and internal Design Debugging techniques and tips Questions and Answers
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 3 Prerequisites Familiarity with Networker administration
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 4 Overview and Benefits The problem One retention time for all clone instances. When the saveset expires, all clone instances expire at the same time. The problem is solved by assigning individual retention policy for each clone instance..
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 5 Overview and Benefits (cont.) Benefits from this feature User can set different retention policies for each clone instance. Volume expiration is tied to the clone retention policy, not the save set retention policy. As a result volumes can be recycled more frequently.
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 6 Overview and Benefits (cont.) System requirements to use feature Nothing special. Part of the Networker server Where to learn more Keystone Networker Clone Retention Policy SRS d1777 Keystone Networker Clone Retention Policy SDS d1778
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 7 Installation/Upgrade Considerations Changes to installation None 7.3 server is compatible with pre 7.3 clients. But older clients will not be able to set clone retention time using command line options. They can use pool retention policy.
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 8 Configuring the Feature How to enable and/or configure this feature Added a new attribute “Retention policy” to the Pool resource. This sets the retention offset for all clone instances in volumes in that pool. List new attributes/settings and what they mean If at all possible capture screen output as a.gif or.jpeg
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 9 Configuring the Feature (cont.) The pool policy is configured using the GUI. The following screen shot shows the steps for setting the retention policy.
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 10 Configuring the Feature (cont.) Clone retention period can be specified using command line using –y option with the commands save, savegrp, nsrclone, nsrstage, nsrssc and scanner. Nsrmm command accept –e option for retention period
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 11 Using the Feature No new commands. The following commands have been modified to support this feature. Save, savegrp, scanner, nsrclone, nsrstage, nsrssc and nsrmm Command syntax Save and savegrp commands have –w and –y options Nsrclone, scanner, nsrstage and nsrssc have –y option Nsrmm has –e Please refer to the man page for details on other options for these commands.
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 12 Using the Feature (cont.) How to display clone retention times Use mminfo with –r “clretent(26)” option to display the clone retention time Example mminfo -c trout "volume,ssid,cloneid,ssbrowse(26),ssretent(26),clretent(26),level,sumfl ags,clflags,name" volume ssid clone id browse time retention time clone retention time lvl fl clflg name /30/05 23:59:59 06/30/06 23:59:59 06/30/06 23:59:59 cb /space/venu/install/dev/bin/nsrd /30/05 23:59:59 06/30/06 23:59:59 06/30/06 23:59:59 cb /space/venu/install/dev/bin/nsrexecd trout.legato.com_c /30/05 23:59:59 06/30/06 23:59:59 06/30/06 23:59:59 cb /space/venu/install/dev/bin/nsrd trout.legato.com_c /30/05 23:59:59 06/30/06 23:59:59 08/30/05 11:18:05 cb /space/venu/install/dev/bin/nsrexecd
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 13 Using the Feature (cont.) Things to remember 1. By default, browse and retention times are derived from the client resource. 2. Save set retention must always be equal to or greater than the browse time. 3. If saving or cloning to a pool that has retention policy specified, the pool policy will override the policy from client resource. 4. If retention policy is specified in the command line, it will override policies from pool and client resource. 5. When cloning a saveset without specifying a retention policy (command line or pool) the retention time of the clone instance will be the same as savesets retention. 6. The expiration time of a volume is the max of retention times of all clone instances on that volume. 7. If user specifies a browse time as a command line option (save -w), but does not specify a retention time, the retention time of the save set is max of specified browse time and retention time from client resource.
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 14 Licensing Considerations This feature is not licensed
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 15 Questions and Answers Any questions that have not been answered yet?
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 16 nsrmmd nsrmmdbd Media database Architecture and Internal Design
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 17 Architecture and Internal Design (cont.) The individual clone retention values are stored as an attribute in the save set record in the media database. The name of the attribute is NSRATTR_MMDB_SSC_RETENTION. The clients of media database send the attribute NSRATTR_CLONE_POLICY with clone retention offset to media database. Media database converts that passed in value to NSRATTR_MMDB_SSC_RETENTION after validating the value against the saveset and volume.
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 18 Debugging Techniques and Tips Error messages customers might see “retention time must be in the future” This error means the time specified with –y or –w option is in the past. The fix is to use a future time.
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 19 Debugging Techniques and Tips (cont.)
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 20 Known Issues and Limitations Known issues and/or bugs Description – scanner command does not handle individual clone retention times properly. The clone retention times of scanned in clone instances inherit save set's recycle time. LGTpa78104 Workaround : Specify retention time using –y option when scanning in a clone instance
Legato Systems, Inc - Confidential and Proprietary 21 Questions and Answers Any questions that have not been answered yet? Thanks for attending