The FAIR* Project *Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Outline: FAIR layout Research programs Peter Senger, GSI USTC Hefei Nov. 21, 2006 and CCNU Wuhan, Nov. 23, 2006
storage and cooler rings beams of rare isotopes e – A Collider stored and cooled antiprotons GeV primary beams 5x10 11 /s; GeV/u; 238 U 28+ factor increased intensity 4x10 13 /s 90 GeV protons /s 238 U 35 GeV/u ( Ni 45 GeV/u) secondary beams rare isotopes GeV/u; factor increased intensity antiprotons 3(0) - 30 GeV The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research accelerator technical challenges Rapidly cycling superconducting magnets high energy electron cooling dynamical vacuum, beam losses
accelerator physics high intensive heavy ion beams dynamical vacuum rapidly cycling superconducting magnets high energy electron cooling Research programmes at FAIR Rare isotope beams; nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics nuclear structure far off stability nucleosynthesis in stars and supernovae Beams of antiprotons: hadron physics quark-confinement potential search for gluonic matter and hybrids hypernuclei high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions: compressed baryonic matter baryonic matter at highest densities (neutron stars) phase transitions and critical endpoint in-medium properties of hadrons pulsed heavy ion beams : plasma physics matter at high pressure, densities, and temperature fundamentals of nuclear fusion atomic physics and applied research highly charged atoms low energy antiprotons radiobiology
M 8M red giant white dwarf Onion shell structure before explosion Birth and dead of stars 8M M 15M Supernova II 1.4M M core 2M neutron star M 15M Supernova IIa M 2M black hole
The origin of elements number of neutrons number of protons Nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernova-explosions: rapid neutron capture by unstable (neutron-rich ) isotopes Fusion in stars NuSTAR: Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, Reactions
Intensive rare isotope beams produced by in-flight projectile fragmentation/fission
Hadron physics with high energy antiprotons Search for gluonic excitations: Search for in-medium modifications of hadron properties Precision γ -spectroscopy of single and double hypernuclei Study of the confinement potential with charmonium spectroscopy: 1 fm C C
Charmonium spectroscopy MeV3510 CBall ev./2 MeV 100 E CM CBall E E 835 ev./pb c1 e + e - versus pp
The PANDA Detector charging cyclotron cooling section electron gun and collector acceleration column return beamline High-energy- electron-cooling energy MeV current up to 2 A magnetic field T (Supercond. Solenoids) in cooling section 30 m Electrostatic Accelerator, charged by H – beam from cyclotron
The phase diagram of atomic matter
The phase diagram of strongly interacting matter