Board of Governors Business Meeting Cardiac Care Associate Update Presented by: Margo Minissian, ACNP-BC, MSN, CNS Cardiovascular Team Council Co-Chair January 30, 2009
Contents Current CCA Membership Breakdown & Growth 2008 CCA Initiatives and Activities 2009 CCA Initiatives and Activities Questions / Comments
Current CCA Membership Breakdown # of CCAs (as of December 2008) InternationalDomesticTotal CCA Count Percentage0.50%11.70%10.60% 583 new Cardiac Care Associate members joined in % growth in CCA membership over 2007.
Current CCA Membership Breakdown Cont. CCA Breakdown by Professional Type* Professional Type# (% of total CCA membership) Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs)144 (3%) Nurse Practitioners (NPs)1,617 (42%) Pharmacists (PharmD)81 (2%) Physician Assistants (PAs)702 (18%) Registered Nurses (RNs)1,350 (35%) * Based on IMIS data as of January 2009.
CCA Membership by Quarter * Data was not available due to change in drop schedule for CCAs.
2008 CCA Initiatives & Activities 2008 Initiatives & Activities: CCA Toolkit Project – Provided CCA Liaisons with materials needed to recruit new CCA members and encourage participation at the chapter and national level. CCA Liaison Listserve – Allows CCA Liaisons to communicate with each other and exchange ideas on how increase CCA participation in the College. CCA Election Process – 1 st election for CCA Liaisons. Election followed the same process as the ACC Governor's election. Cardiovascular Team Council & Section – In December 2008, the BOT approved a proposal for a section and council to better address the needs of the Cardiac Care Associate member type.
2009 CCA Initiatives & Activities Associate of the American College of Cardiology (A.A.C.C.) The Credentialing & Membership Committee (CMC) approved the CCA Designation Work Group’s proposal for the Associate of the American College of Cardiology (A.A.C.C.) designation. The proposal will go to the Board of Trustees for their approval in March. The designation criteria for A.A.C.C. are as follows: 1.State Licensure 2.Nationally recognized board certification* 3.Majority of professional activities must be devoted to the field of cardiovascular disease. 4.Three (3) Sponsorship Letters from current F.A.C.C. members.1 Letters of sponsorship cannot all come from the same institution. 5.Employed in a practice that is primarily cardiovascular focused – at least 75%. 6.Commitment to CV practice for 5 years or more. 7.CCA member for 2 years prior to applying for designation. 8.At least 12 hours of CV related CE/CME credit hours annually. 9.Member of the ACC’s Cardiovascular Team Section. * Cardiac Care Associate members that do not hold a national board certification will be considered on a case by case basis.
2009 CCA Initiatives & Activities, Con’t. Membership for Allied CV Professionals - In July, the CVT Council plans to submit a proposal to the Credentialing and Membership Committee that would extend membership to allied cardiovascular professionals. Professional types may include cardiovascular technologists (echo, cath), exercise physiologists, and dieticians. CVT Council & Section Structure Development – The Cardiovascular Team Council will develop an annual plan including projects planned for 2009 and beyond as well as a financial plan for funding CVT Section projects. CCA Member Pipeline Project - The Cardiovascular Team Council is interested in create a member pipeline program that would target graduate nursing, physician assistant, and pharmacy programs in the U.S. CCAs & The Year of the Patient – The CCA Liaison Work Group will work with other ACC groups on programs related to the Year of the Patient such as patient- focused education at the chapter-level.
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