Prototype CERN-option: simulation results Maria Elena Martin Albarran UCL et al
Simulations- RFN stabilization Initial values obtained, show that Voltage control, was stable, using a current bias for the clock very high Simulation show that the current has to be lower, and that the whole system behaves as expected with Iclk=50uA-70uA Experimental measurements Simulation 320MHz & Iclk=50uA
Simulations- RFN stabilization Experimental measurements Simulation 320MHz & Iclk=50uA
Simulations- RFN stabilization Initial values obtained, show that Voltage control, was stable, using a current bias for the clock very high Simulation show that the current has to be lower, and that the whole system behaves as expected with Iclk=50uA-70uA RFN (control voltage) can not be monitored usign the oscilloscope, because it affects the measurements (signal not buffered), and simulations will not reproduce the signal
VDD=1.41V, ICLK_BIAS=50uA, RFN~0.65V DELAY = –NO EXTRACTION DELAY=41.50us –EXTRACTION DELAY=65.00us Simulations- Parasitic Extraction Delay found with no extraction at all cells Delay found with extraction at all cells
VDD=1.41V, ICLK_BIAS=50uA, RFN~0.65V DELAY = –NO EXTRACTION DELAY=41.50us –EXTRACTION DELAY=65.00us Simulations- Parasitic Extraction Delay found with no extraction at all cells Delay found with extraction at all cells
VDD=1.41V, ICLK_BIAS=50uA, RFN~0.65V DELAY = –NO EXTRACTION DELAY=41.50us –EXTRACTION DELAY=65.00us Simulations- Parasitic Extraction Delay found with no extraction at all cells Delay found with extraction at all cells
VDD=1.41V, ICLK_BIAS=50uA, RFN~0.65V DELAY = –NO EXTRACTION DELAY=41.50us –EXTRACTION DELAY=65.00us Simulations- Parasitic Extraction Simulations- Non CMOS Levels at DLL Test signals not valid range (after diff buff)-> VCDLOUT is non cmos levels VCDLOUT is readout using lvds transmitter pad, no signal there
This shows heating at registers and dll, the non-uniformity is produced by presence of top metal layers -> –Is reasonable? Simulations- Power Consumption
Simulation Conditions: –Vdd=1.41V, Irclk_bias=50uA, RFN~550mV –Delay/cell(at Tap)=59.6ps –Total Current (through resistor 10mOhm tied to VSS!) Differential Clock Driver (single to diff Converter) = uA Delay Element= 36 x (Diff Buff + Diff Clk + SE Diff Clk)= 36 x ( ) = 36 x uA = 12 mA Resistor String= 47uA Simulations- Power Consumption
Simulation Conditions: –Vdd=1.41V, Irclk_bias=50uA, RFN~550mV –Register : write (rms value): –3.14mA x 1 CHANNEL -> 28.26mA for 9 channels write & read (rms value): –3.54mA x 1 CHANNEL -> 31.86mA x for 9 channels Simulations- Power Consumption results comparable with reality and with previous implementations
Summary Simulation is following hardware testing Several other simulations will need to be performed Power consumption understood Start-up simulation coherent