Organising Specific Information and Evaluating Presentations Lesson 6
Starter – 5 minutes write Lessons Aims in space provided in booklet To learn how to organise information to go into a presentation To learn how to organise information to go into a presentation To understand what information to select when creating something for a particular audience and reason To understand what information to select when creating something for a particular audience and reason To evaluate other presentations to gain insight for good presentations To evaluate other presentations to gain insight for good presentations Lesson Aims:
Pupil Task - 5 minutes Access ‘Malachi’s Presentation’ in the shared area by clicking on Start/My Computer/projects on ‘srv-nas- 01’(P;)/courses/ICT/ ICT Yr 7/7.1 Multimedia Presentation/Malachi’s Presentation For Malachi’s Presentation, click here For Malachi’s Presentation, click here
Pupil Task – 10 minutes In your booklet, Write three things Malachi tells us about Health and Safety (H+S), and Write three things Malachi hasn’t explained fully about Health and Safety (H+S)
Pupil Task – 10 minutes Answer the questions on page 12 of your booklet about your opinion of Malachi’s presentation
Class Discussion – 5 minutes How could Malachi’s presentation be improved if he had extra time? For Malachi’s presentation with commentary, click here For Malachi’s presentation with commentary, click here
Pupil Task - 5 minutes Now click on Malachi’s Pres 2, write in your booklet on page 13. What you think is wrong with how the presentation looks? For Malachi’s Presentation 2, click here For Malachi’s Presentation 2, click here
Pupil Reflecting Time – 5 minutes Read through ‘Your Unit Task’ on page 11 of your booklet again. What does multi-media mean? Who is the audience of your presentation, and why should this make a difference? What is the purpose of your presentation? How can you make sure the content is better organised than Malachi’s presentation was?
Homework Plan each slide in your homework booklet, remembering to include links to your everything created so far
Saftey in Computers By Malachi Campbell
When I go onto a computer, my teacher has always told me that there are rules that everyone needs to do to stay safe one of the rules is that everyone should have a break know and again because otherwise your eyes can go all funny and that. I think it should be every 10 minutes or something. also a break, it’s good because you can get something bad called repetive thingy. I know it’s ‘rsi’ but can’t remember the full name for it. I know that because my Aunty Barbara had it when she used to work as a graphic desiner. She was always typing and using her mouse, and suddenley her wrist started to ache, and when she went to the doctors (the one in Dalston by the market) she said that it was because she always does the same thing. She’s still got it even now. You’re also not allowed to go on games ac
Drinking Use of ICT suites Students are not permitted to use computers without supervision of a member of staff or designated prefect supervision All rooms should be booked through the librarians Students must use equipment according to current Health and Safety regulations Priority for the use of ICT facilities will be given to staff delivering ICT within a scheme of work At the end of a lesson in an ICT suite, it is the responsibility of the member of staff to ensure that: air conditioning units and data projectors, where fitted, are switched off superfluous printouts are cleared into a waste or recycling bin chairs are placed under desks or benching any ICT peripheral used is returned to its appropriate place Each ICT suite has a nominated member of staff who is ultimately responsible for all equipment: IT1 – Mrs Auckland IT2 – Mr Metcalfe IT3 – Mr Browning Science PCs – Mr Andrews Awe & Wonder – Mr Hall Room 2 – Ms Trezise and Mr Browning and Mr Lord Room 40 – Mrs Dowd Room E6 – Mrs Cootes Library – Mrs Charles and Mrs McCormick MU1 – Mr Postlethwaite G4 – Ms Hensby Should there be any faults in the room then these should be reported to the ICT technicians using the reporting system. There are also paper slips for reporting problems available in the staffroom. Paper In order to avoid huge quantities of paper being wasted in a computer suite, the ICT technicians maintain a print credit system with all students. Teaching staff should ensure that printing is kept to a minimum.
What about the other rules There are other rules that should be followed, to help us stay safe from harm. The end, by Malachi Campbell
Saftey in Computers By Malachi Campbell I’m Malachi’s best mate. The teacher told me I should tell him what’s good and what he could improve. Check out the spelling! Nice title though, clear and to the point.
When I go onto a computer, my teacher has always told me that there are rules that everyone needs to do to stay safe one of the rules is that everyone should have a break know and again because otherwise your eyes can go all funny and that. I think it should be every 10 minutes or something. also a break, it’s good because you can get something bad called repetive thingy. I know it’s ‘rsi’ but can’t remember the full name for it. I know that because my Aunty Barbara had it when she used to work as a graphic desiner. She was always typing and using her mouse, and suddenley her wrist started to ache, and when she went to the doctors (the one in Dalston by the market) she said that it was because she always does the same thing. She’s still got it even now. You’re also not allowed to go on games ac He should try to use bullet points and don’t chat on a slide. He also forgot to check his spellings again, and a lot of what he says isn’t relevant or interesting to the audience. He didn’t do much research, either, and it’s unfinished.
Drinking Use of ICT suites Students are not permitted to use computers without supervision of a member of staff or designated prefect supervision All rooms should be booked through the librarians Students must use equipment according to current Health and Safety regulations Priority for the use of ICT facilities will be given to staff delivering ICT within a scheme of work At the end of a lesson in an ICT suite, it is the responsibility of the member of staff to ensure that: air conditioning units and data projectors, where fitted, are switched off superfluous printouts are cleared into a waste or recycling bin chairs are placed under desks or benching any ICT peripheral used is returned to its appropriate place Each ICT suite has a nominated member of staff who is ultimately responsible for all equipment: IT1 – Mrs Auckland IT2 – Mr Metcalfe IT3 – Mr Browning Science PCs – Mr Andrews Awe & Wonder – Mr Hall Room 2 – Ms Trezise and Mr Browning and Mr Lord Room 40 – Mrs Dowd Room E6 – Mrs Cootes Library – Mrs Charles and Mrs McCormick MU1 – Mr Postlethwaite G4 – Ms Hensby Should there be any faults in the room then these should be reported to the ICT technicians using the reporting system. There are also paper slips for reporting problems available in the staffroom. Paper In order to avoid huge quantities of paper being wasted in a computer suite, the ICT technicians maintain a print credit system with all students. Teaching staff should ensure that printing is kept to a minimum. The title has nothing to do with the slide Looks like he cut and paste this info. from the internet. It’s for another school!
What about the other rules There are other rules that should be followed, to help us stay safe from harm. The end, by Malachi Campbell Had he run out of time? Malachi needs to tell the audience what the rules are, that’s the whole point of the presentation! I think he should delete his name, coz we already know He loves cars, but he should delete it
Saftey in Computers By Malachi Campbell
When I go onto a computer, my teacher has always told me that there are rules that everyone needs to do to stay safe one of the rules is that everyone should have a break know and again because otherwise your eyes can go all funny and that. I think it should be every 10 minutes or something. also a break, it’s good because you can get something bad called repetive thingy. I know it’s ‘rsi’ but can’t remember the full name for it. I know that because my Aunty Barbara had it when she used to work as a graphic desiner. She was always typing and using her mouse, and suddenley her wrist started to ache, and when she went to the doctors (the one in Dalston by the market) she said that it was because she always does the same thing. She’s still got it even now. You’re also not allowed to go on games ac
Drinking Use of ICT suites Students are not permitted to use computers without supervision of a member of staff or designated prefect supervision All rooms should be booked through the librarians Students must use equipment according to current Health and Safety regulations Priority for the use of ICT facilities will be given to staff delivering ICT within a scheme of work At the end of a lesson in an ICT suite, it is the responsibility of the member of staff to ensure that: air conditioning units and data projectors, where fitted, are switched off superfluous printouts are cleared into a waste or recycling bin chairs are placed under desks or benching any ICT peripheral used is returned to its appropriate place Each ICT suite has a nominated member of staff who is ultimately responsible for all equipment: IT1 – Mrs Auckland IT2 – Mr Metcalfe IT3 – Mr Browning Science PCs – Mr Andrews Awe & Wonder – Mr Hall Room 2 – Ms Trezise and Mr Browning and Mr Lord Room 40 – Mrs Dowd Room E6 – Mrs Cootes Library – Mrs Charles and Mrs McCormick MU1 – Mr Postlethwaite G4 – Ms Hensby Should there be any faults in the room then these should be reported to the ICT technicians using the reporting system. There are also paper slips for reporting problems available in the staffroom. Paper In order to avoid huge quantities of paper being wasted in a computer suite, the ICT technicians maintain a print credit system with all students. Teaching staff should ensure that printing is kept to a minimum.
What about the other rules There are other rules that should be followed, to help us stay safe from harm. The end, by Malachi Campbell