HOW TO BE YOUR DOCTOR’S PARTNER. Is Your Doctor Too Busy? Do you ever leave the office with unanswered questions or problems? There are many things to.


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Presentation transcript:


Is Your Doctor Too Busy? Do you ever leave the office with unanswered questions or problems? There are many things to do during a routine appointment: –Cancer screening, vaccines, drug monitoring –Lifestyle counseling/teaching Visits with the doctor are short!

Activated Patient 1 Being an “activated” patient can help you get the most out of visits Research shows that activated patients are better off than “passive” patients: –Better control of blood pressure and diabetes –Better control of arthritis symptoms –Greater satisfaction with care

Activated Patient 2 Brainstorming Activity : What do you think are the characteristics of an activated patient?

Video Clip + Discussion Questions to Think About: –Were the patient and doctor talking about the same things? Did it seem like they had the same priorities/goals? –Do you think the patient will follow through with the doctor’s suggestions? –What efforts has the patient been making to educate himself? –How could this interaction have been improved?

Activated Patient 3 Activated Patient Review: –Seeks information, listens carefully, asks questions –Prepares for doctor visits, and follows up afterwards –Works with the doctor to set realistic goals –Engages in problem-solving

Preparing for Visits 1 In an IDEAL world... Patients always know: –Their problems –Their goals –Their medications Doctors always ask: –“What is your priority today?” –“Is there anything else?”

Preparing for Visits 2 In the REAL world... Do homework before the visit –List medicines and goals –Write down and rank questions for this visit Be active during the visit –Use both nurse and doctor time –Ask for vital signs, labs –Make sure goals are mutual, clear and realistic

Preparing for Visits 3 In the REAL world... Do homework after the visit –Update your medication list –Update your goals list –Write down your responsibilities Decide if you can do it Decide when you will do it Follow up after the visit –Did the MD’s office call as planned? –Did the symptoms get better?

Activated Patient 4 Brainstorming Activity: 1. What are some ways to activate post members? 2, What resources would be helpful?

BOOKLET Talking with Your Doctor –A resource for you! –Add to the Health Corner –Available for FREE from the NIA website:

SCRIPT Role-play/review the script for next month Discuss handouts