To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter Vocabulary
Chapter 1 vocabulary Assuaged (V): calmed down Apothecary (N): pharmacist Piety (N): religious devotion Methodists (N): a Christian denomination Brethren (N): members of a particular church
Strictures (N): rules Dictum (N): statement Human Chattels (N): slaves Impotent (ADJ): powerless Taciturn (ADJ): very quiet
Spittoon (N): a jar-like container to spit into Unsullied (ADJ): untouched or unused Impudent (ADJ): shamelessly bold Ambled (V): walk slowly and leisurely Repertoire (N): supply
Vapid (ADJ): dull Eaves (N): lower edges of a roof Veranda (N): porch with a roof Picket (N): a pointed pole or stake (that make up a picket fence) Malevolent (ADJ): evil Predilection (N): a preference or liking for something
Corsets (N): tight undergarment worn by women Domiciled (V): a domicile is a home, so where you are domiciled is where you live Beadle (N): a minor city official Scold (N): a person who scolds people Ramrod (ADJ): a rod used to clean a firearm Foray (N): when you make a foray, you go somewhere or do something that is unusual for you
Chapter 2 Vocabulary Indigenous (ADJ): Native of; characteristic of that region. Sojourn (ADJ): To live or stay temporarily in a place. Vexations (N): Sources of irritation or annoyance.
Chapter 3 Vocabulary Erratic (ADJ): Having no certain or definite course. Contentious (ADJ): Quarrelsome. Fractious (ADJ): Easily angered; unruly.
Chapter 4 Vocabulary Auspicious (ADJ): Promising success Tyranny (N): Harshness; absolute power Parched (V): Extremely hot, dry, or thirsty Abominable (ADJ): Hateful, unpleasant Melancholy (N, ADJ): sad, depressed Evasion (N): escape or avoid Quelling (V): to put an end to
Chapter 5 Vocabulary Aloof (ADJ, ADV): not interested; keeping a distance Foolhardy (ADJ): recklessly or thoughtlessly bold Benign (ADJ): gentle and kind Tacit (ADJ): unvoiced or unspoken understanding Pestilence (N): harmful, destructive, evil Benevolence (N): desire to do good for others Martin (N): a type of bird Asinine (ADJ): foolish, silly, stupid Edification (N): moral guidance
Chapter 6 Vocabulary Collards (N): green leafy vegetable grown in the south Ramshackle (ADJ): loosely held together; shaky Solitary (ADJ): by oneself; alone Cherub (N): beautiful or innocent person; angel Dismemberment (V): divide into parts; cut to pieces Malignant (ADJ): very dangerous or harmful Waning (V): decrease in strength or power; end Pilgrimage (N): a very long, purposeful journey Desolate (ADJ): dreary, gloomy, abandoned
Chapter 7 Vocabulary Embalm (V): to treat a dead body as to preserve it Hoodoo (N): a person or thing that brings bad luck Ascertaining (V): to make certain or clear Palate (N): sense of taste or roof of mouth Vigil (N): wakefulness from inability to sleep
Chapter 8 Vocabulary Unfathomable (ADJ): difficult to understand Prophet (N): one who predicts what is to come Aberrations (N): away from ordinary, usual or normal Accosted (V): to confront boldly Perpetrated (V): to commit Libel (N): damagingly representing Morphodite (N): two opposite qualities Quelled (V): suppressed; put an end to
Chapter 9 Vocabulary Inordinately (ADJ): disorderly; uncontrolled Vain (ADJ): proud Lineaments (N): distinctive features Ingenuous (ADJ): innocent; naïve Changeling (N): a child unintentionally substituted for another Analogous (ADJ): corresponding Hookah (N): tobacco pipe of Near Eastern origin with a long, flexible tube Jetty (N): an overhang
Guilelessness (ADJ): straightforward; frank; honest Nocturnal (ADJ): night Trousseau (N): clothing for a bride Deportment (N): behavior Crooned (V): to sing in a soft voice Tarried (V): Stayed in place; wait Obstreperous (ADJ): resist control; unruly Gallant (ADJ): brave; spirited Muddles (V): to mix up or become confused
Chapter 10 Vocabulary Inconspicuous (ADJ): not noticeable Rudiments (N): the beginning of something Meddle (V): to interfere Peril (N): exposure to danger Moseying (V): wander or stroll leisurely Vehemently (ADV): strongly emotional
Chapter 11 Vocabulary Apoplectic (ADJ): showing symptoms of stroke Scuppernong (N): a silvery amber-green variety of muscadine grape Philippic (ADJ): harsh verbal language Umbrage (N): offense or annoyance Rectitude (N): correct Interdict (V): to forbid Palliate (V): to relieve or lessen without curing
Chapter 12 Vocabulary Barnacles (N):a person or thing that clings; an instrument with two hinged branches for pinching the nose of an unruly horse Habiliments (N): clothing Indignantly (ADV): angry, resentful, infuriated, mad Contentious (ADJ):tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome Forthright (ADJ): straight to the point; direct Austere (ADJ): severely simple; without ornament Phantom (N): an illusion or ghost
Chapter 13 Vocabulary Formidable (ADJ): causing dread Prerogative (N): a right or privilege Myopic (ADJ): nearsighted or narrow minded Caste system (N): a social system where classes are determined by heredity Inflection (N): change in pitch or tone of voice Curtness (N): short; abrupt
Chapter 14 Vocabulary Taut (ADJ): tight; tidy Edification (N): moral improvement Resilient (ADJ): recovering readily; springing back Manacles (N): handcuffs Infallible (ADJ): trustworthy Fortitude (N): patience; strength in difficulty
Chapter 15 Vocabulary Placid (ADJ): pleasantly calm Venue (N): place where a jury is gathered Inaudible (ADJ): unable to be heard Linotype (N): typeset (typewriter) Venerable (ADJ): worthy of respect Buttresses (N): prop or support Façade (N): the front of a building--decorative
Ecclesiastical (ADJ): pertaining to church Succinct (V): expressed in few words Acquiescence (N): do not object by being silent Futility (N): useless Aggregation (N): a group of varied things
Chapter 16 Vocabulary Conceded (V): to acknowledge as true Akimbo (ADJ); bent; with a crook (arms akimbo) Subpoena (N): a legal document requiring a person to appear in court for testimony Elucidate (V): to make clear; clarify Amiable (ADJ): friendly and pleasant Eccentricities (N): an odd person’s ways
Chapter 17 Vocabulary Gullet (N): esophagus; throat Corroborate (V): to support with evidence Congenital (ADJ): existing from time of birth Indigenous (ADJ): native Acrimonious (ADJ): sharp or bitter speech Dictum (N): authoritative utterance
Chapter 18 Vocabulary Mollified (V): to make less angry Chiffarobe (N): a tall chest of drawers with a mirror at the top Brash (ADJ): hasty, rash, unthinking Arid (ADJ): dry; dull Rove (V): to wander over a wide area
Chapter 19 Vocabulary Volition (N): choice or decision made by the will Subtle (N): fine or delicate in meaning or intent Ex cathedra (N): from the seat of authority; with authority Expurge (V): to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify Impudent (ADJ): disrespect
Chapter 20 Vocabulary Perpetrate (V): to commit Corroborate (V): to make more certain; confirm Dictated (V): to say or read (something) aloud for another person to transcribe or for a machine to record Iota (N): a very small quantity Circumstantial (ADJ): Of, relating to, or dependent on circumstances Unmitigated (ADJ): not softened or lessened Temerity (N): reckless boldness; rashness Cynical (ADJ): bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic
Chapter 21 Vocabulary Verdict (N): a judgment; decision Relenting (ADJ): become more mild, compassionate, or forgiving Acquit (V): declare not guilty Indignant (V): feeling strong displeasure at something considered unjust or offensive Tacit (ADJ): silent; saying nothing Psychical (ADJ): of or pertaining to the human soul or mind; mental Gavel (N): a small mallet used by a judge, etc., usually to signal for attention or order
Chapter 22 Vocabulary Impassive (ADJ): without emotion; calm Wallow (V): to roll about or lie in water, snow, mud, dust, or the like, as for refreshment Feral (ADJ): existing in a natural state, as animals or plants; not domesticated or cultivated; wild.
Chapter 23 Vocabulary Furtive (ADJ): secret Capital offense (N): a crime punishable by death Adamant (V): unchanging in attitude or opinion in spite of appeals or urgings Vehement (ADJ): strongly emotional; intense or passionate Sordid (ADJ): dirty or filthy; squalid; wretchedly poor and run-down Wrath (N): strong, stern, or fierce anger
Chapter 24 Vocabulary Yaws (N):an infectious tropical disease, primarily of children, characterized by raspberry like eruptions of the skin that is closely related to the agent of syphilis Commence (V): to begin Impertinence (N): inappropriateness Duress (N): forcible restraint, esp. imprisonment Squalor (N): the condition of being in filth and misery Largo (N): slow; in a broad, dignified style
Bovine (ADJ): oxlike, cowlike; dull Brevity (N): briefness Hypocrite (N): a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs Martyr (N): a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, religion, principle, or cause
Chapter 25 Vocabulary Veneer (N):a thin layer of wood or other material for facing or inlaying wood; a superficially valuable or pleasing appearance Due process (N): the regular administration of the law, according to which no citizen may be denied legal rights and all laws must conform to fundamental, accepted legal principles, as the right of the accused to confront his or her accusers Demise (N): death or decease
Chapter 26 Vocabulary Profound (ADJ): having deep insight or understanding Spurious (ADJ):not genuine, authentic, or true; not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit. Grit paper (N):an old-time country newspaper named for the truth it told Dictatorship (N): a country, government, or the form of government in which absolute power is exercised by a person exercising absolute power. Mused (V): to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject
Chapter 27 Vocabulary Annals (N): a record of events, esp. a yearly record, usually in chronological order Notoriety (N): being notorious or widely known Crooning (V): to sing or hum in a soft, soothing voice; to mourn Eccentricities (N):an oddity or peculiarity, as of conduct Radical (N, ADJ): favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms Purloined (ADJ): to take dishonestly; steal; pilfer
Chapter 28 Vocabulary Gallant (ADJ): brave, spirited Incantations (N): repetitious wordiness used to conceal a lack of content; obfuscation Repertoire (N): the list of dramas, operas, parts, pieces, etc., that a company, actor, singer, or the like, is prepared to perform. Irascible (ADJ): easily provoked to anger; very irritable Lichen (ADJ):A fungus that grows with algae, resulting in a crust like or branching growth on rocks or tree trunks Pinioned (V):to bind (a person's arms or hands) so they cannot be used.
Chapter 29 Vocabulary Perforated (ADJ, V): pierced through or to the interior of; penetrate Reprimand (V): to show disapproval of, usually by an authority figure
Chapter 30 Vocabulary Elude (V): to avoid or escape Connive (V): to cooperate secretly; conspire Disengage (V): to free oneself
Chapter 31 Vocabulary Amiable (ADJ): friendly, sociable, agreeable Acquiescence (N): agreement or consent by silence or without objection; compliance Shrewd (ADJ): sharp