American Nuclear Society Human Factors Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Valerie Barnes, chair November 16, Washington, DC
HFD Mission The mission of the Division is to promote the integration of human factors knowledge into the design, operations, maintenance, and management of nuclear systems in order to enhance system reliability. The major areas of interest include, but are not limited to: –the design of instrumentation and controls to minimize errors –the design of procedures to support information processing and decision-making –personnel selection, training, and fitness for duty, and –management and organizational influences on human performance
Executive Committee Officers Valerie Barnes, Chair Poon Hyun Seong, Vice-Chair/Chair Elect Ky Nguygen, Secretary/Treasurer Executive Committee (with term expiration) 2005Barbara Newsom 2006Valerie Barnes 2006Patrick Tebbe 2007Poon Hyun Seong 2007Ky Nguygen 2008Mark Friedman 2008Sergey S. Anikanov Barbara Newsom(Past Chair) Don Hoffman (Professional Divisions Committee Chair) William Naughton(Board Liaison) Sharon Kerrick(Staff Liaison)
Membership trends
Membership Composition
Budget Information Actual 2004 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Carry Forward Member Allocation Income Total Budget Funds676115,07918,877 Awards/Plaques Student Support Seed Money (topical)000 Total expenses Excess ,830
Division Governance Division Planning/Strategic Plan, Succession Planning –Strategic plan submitted in 2004 –Succession plan included in strategic plan Communications/Web, /Copy of Newsletter –No newsletter issued since May 2004 –Website to be updated in 2005
Division/TG Contributions to ANS ANS Position Statements –Proposing to develop a statement regarding the need to integrate human factors into engineering education Participation with Other Professional Societies –Co-sponsorship of division topical Society Leadership –70% executive committee attendance –~100% PDC&NPC Non-Meeting Publications –None since August 2003 NT special issue
Division/TG Services to Membership Professional Development –2004 workshop for utility working conference Bill Corcoran - root cause analysis –2004 workshop with division topical Ted Quinn Scholarships –none Peer Recognition/Awards –none Student Support - two conferences in 2004, two in proposal to fund student executive committee participation
Division/TG Meetings National Meeting Participation –1 session in November 2005 –6 sessions planned for June 2006 Topicals/Prior Two Years, Current Year, Future Two Years –NPIC&HMIT 2004 –NPIC&HMIT planned for 2007
Nuclear Plant Instrumentation Control and Human Machine Interface Technologies, NPIC&HMIT’2004 Columbus Ohio, September 19-22, 2004 Organizers: –Steven Arndt (NRC), general chair –Gary Johnson (LLL), tech. co-chair, NPIC –John O’Hara (BNL), tech. co-chair, HMIT Cosponsors: EPRI, DOE, NRC, IAEA, and OECD/AEA 220 participants,12+ countries
Summary Status of Division/TG Metrics and Measures –Division Governance Communications newsletter and website updates in 2005 Areas of Success –Division Contributions to Society Division topicals: 1993, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2007 NT special issues: 2002, 2003, 2004 Focus for Future Action –Membership recruitment –Communications: newsletter and timely website updates
Professional Division Metrics / Measures of Division Vitality HFD Vitality Measures – CY 2004 Division Meetings Division Governance Division Contributions to Society Division Services to Membership National Meeting Participation 2004: 2 session 0panel/0session 0panel Succession Planning HFD has a succession plan ANS Position Statements HFD is not responsible for Position Statement Professional Development Supported 2 workshops in past 2 years Class I Class II Topicals 4 th NPIC & HMIT participants Membership Trends 585/568 members -3% change 2004 Participation with Outside Professional Societies IEEE co-sponsor for Class I Topical Scholarships HFD Does Not Support a Scholarship Class III Topicals 2004 NPIC & HMIT Communications 1 newsletter issued in 2004 website updated in 2004 Society Leadership Both Mtgs: 70% Exec Comm, PDC & NPC Presentation to Board of Directors June 2004 Peer Recognition/ Awards HFD does not support peer recognition/awards Division Planning Strategic Plan submitted to PDC Chair in 2003 Non-Meeting Publications Nuclear Technology –Nuclear plant instrumentation & control Aug 2003 Student Support HFD supported 2004 Student Conference