- Зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їх увагу до нових лексичних одиниць - допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні; - повторити матеріал попередніх уроків; - поповнити лексичний запас новими словами; - дати змогу учням використати загальні знання; - залучити до роботи учнів усього класу. Зразки My House 1. Match the words with the correct definitions 1) A single house that is completely a) terraced house separate from any other 2) A pair of houses joined together b) a detached house 3) Several houses joined together in a row c) a flat 4) It is sometimes found in high – rise buildings d) a cottage 5)Usually a small house with a thatched roof e) semi-detached house Key : 1 b; 2 e; 3 a; 4 c; 5 d
2.True\False 1) Mac in Scottish means “a son of” 2) The kilt is Scotland`s national costume. 3) Lock is the Welsh word for lake. 4) Showdown is a high mountain in Wels. 5) Cardiff is the capital of Scotland. 6) Northern Ireland is also called Ulster. 7) The dragon is the symbol of Northern Ireland. 8) Rugby is a popular sport in Wales. 9) Moors are areas of wild, open countryside. 10) Oxford is situated on the River Thames. 11) Saint George is the patron of Wales. 12) There are three crosses on the British flag. 13) The north of Scotland is famous for its developed industry. 14) The capital of Northern Ireland is Dublin. 15) The tartan is a checked cloth Key: 1 T; 2 T; 3 F; 4 T; 5 F; 6 T; 7 F; 8 T; 9 T; 10 T; 11 F; 12 T; 13 F; 14 F; 15 T. “Travelling” 3. Choose the odd word out 1) Balloon aircraft rocket submarine 2) Platform runway flight check in 3)Bathroom shower armchair compartment 4)Guesthouse hotel taxi youth hostel 5) Customs coin pound bank note 6) Ferry lifeboat anchor violet 7) Fare metre track taxi 8) Ceiling wall staircase lawn
4. Put the words in the proper columns. Kilt, castles, Snowdon, the Fringe, Stonehenge, the dragon, Highlands, the Saint Andrew`s cross, Belfast, tartan. Cambrian Mountains, the Saint, Patrick`s cross, Lock Ness, the Saint George`s cross, moors, Ben Nevis, the Midlands, Windsor Castle. EnglandScotlandWalesNothern Ireland “People. Nationality” 5. Use these adjectives to describe … Friendly, patriotic, energetic, patient, romantic, shy, fun, quick-tempered, efficient, sociable, relaxed, hospitable. “Mass Media” 6. Which of the professions below would you choose to make a newspaper? - Seller, reporter, teacher, photographer, graphic, artist, writer, secretary, editor, driver, computer programmer, waiter, correspondent, worker, pilot, journalist.