1 TIPA Teacher Incentive Performance Award November 4, 2009
Current Monetary Initiatives/Incentives Step Increases awarded to certificated staff each year as a result of successful completion of the previous year and attendant appropriate acceptable evaluation of said employee. Incremental salary increases awarded to staff as a result of having attained additional/higher educational achievements/certifications (hours, advanced degrees). National Board Certification stipends awarded as well as monies provided to staff toward attaining National Board Certification. Monies provided to staff toward attaining advanced certifications.
Current Monetary Initiatives/Incentives Monies provided to schools for economically disadvantaged students. Monies provided to schools to allow lower class size at the elementary level, K-3 Class Size Reduction Grants. Monies provided through Title I programs for additional staffing to meet the needs of at-risk student populations.
Current Monetary Initiatives/Incentives Monies provided to schools for Limited English Proficient students. Monies previously provided to schools for attaining designation as a “School of Excellence.” Monies provided to schools to participate in conference and professional development activities through subject area supervisors. Monies as grants provided to schools through the Education Foundation.
Rationale for a Performance Award The High Cost of Education vs. The Higher Cost of Not Educating Children
6 Goals - TIPA 1.Implement a plan for a teacher/school “performance award” that is financially sound, and further, that can be constrained, maintained, or expanded according to funding resources available. 2.Provide a monetary “performance award” to identified teachers/schools for their students’ achievement* attained at a clearly defined high level of performance.
7 Goals - TIPA 3. Implement a plan for a teacher/school “performance award” that is supported by the majority of staff and stakeholders. 4. Implement a plan for a teacher/school “performance award” that addresses the need to place highly effective teachers with children at risk who will benefit from improved academic performance.
8 Goals - TIPA 5. Implement a plan for a teacher/school “performance award” that helps improve (mitigate) the “migration” of teachers from schools/courses with many academically challenged (“at risk”) children.
Contacts Core Team Meetings Principal Meetings – Thirty-six elementary principals, eleven middle school principals, and nine high school principals Subject Area Supervisors Meetings– All subject area supervisors Classified Staff –members of the classified staff including school representatives
Contacts Evening Stakeholders Meetings – Three separate evening stakeholder meetings were held at the Kelly Leadership Center. School Faculty Meetings – Five different school faculties including partial or whole faculties from one high school, two middle schools, and two elementary schools. Partial faculties were typically staff, and a whole faculty was approximately 90 staff.
Contacts Other staff – Special Education, Finance, Student Services, OSMAP Accountability – multiple meetings
Where to next… CTAC – Community Training Assistance Center, Bill Slotnik, Executive Director Core Team – Nov. 9 TIPA Proposal – due to Board Clerk - Nov. 16 Superintendent’s Staff review – Nov. 18 TIPA Proposal to Board for Information – Dec. 2 TIPA Proposal to Board for Action – Dec. 16