Professionalism in Teaching "The only way to keep our kids foolproof is to keep them away from fools." -Will Rogers
Is Teaching a Profession? Yes commitment to serve unique skills autonomy No students have many teachers limited training constraints on autonomy It's a good idea to be prepared, unexpected situations may test your professionalism Not only are you working with students, but with a group of people who have similar responsibilities and concerns as you While support is available to you, you must be support for others
Recognizing Excellence in Teaching Teaching as an Evolving Profession Better Preparation Greater Self- Determination Teachers must take on a larger roll in the governing of their career affairs Direction of the schools and the curriculum? Teachers must demand higher standards of preparation Teaching will appear better because they are better ! Define the career of teaching and set high standards Teachers must aspire to the definition of a committed career teacher and a majority must reach the standards for teaching to be taken as a professional
Professional Attitude and Ethics of a Teacher A Teacher with a Professional Attitude... learns every aspect of job discovers what is needed is focused and clear- headed has a promising future jumps to difficult assignments keeps work area clean and orderly is level-headed and optimistic does not let mistakes slip by "What office is there which involves more responsibility, which requires more qualifications, and which ought, therefore, to be more honorable than that of teaching?" -Harriet Martineau
Levels of Professionalism Level One (initiative-maintenance) : mechanical, keeps students busy, teaches to the test, no response to unique needs of students Level Two (meditative) : similar to level one, stays on course and goes a little beyond, little innovation Level Three (generative-creative) : focus on individual students, educational goals as launching pads, uses interests and talents, expectations go beyond test scores, goal is to create desire to learn
Professional Attitude and Ethics of a Teacher Competence preparation and knowledge of content area Performance effectively teaches concepts and life application Conduct initiates and maintains quality communication with students, teachers, administration, and parents
Professional Development growth of new knowledge and demand for new skills teachers as continous learners (independent study, graduate study, mentoring) teachers as the object and artist, transforming vision to reality teachers must make a lifelong commitment to be an artist "The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others." -John Locke
Support For Professionalism National Board For Professional Teaching Standards supports level three teachers works to set new standard offers salary bonuses for certification assessments five distinguishing characteristics and core propositions National Education Association assists retired teachers, teachers aides, administrators, and future teachers offers publications on salary scales and teacher attitudes special services including travel programs, mutual funds, and insurance policies