Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 1 Implementation of AIDA within Geant4 for Underground and Space Applications 1.Experimental configuration a)Dark Matter b)LISA 2.Implementation 3.Output 4.Comments and Conclusions
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 2 UKDMC Experiment
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 3 LISA Geometry and Geant4 Images
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 4 GEANT 4 For both Dark Matter/Underground applications and Space based experiments it is clear that simulations are required using Geant4. This will be an increasing requirement with high statistics in order to accurately model our detectors, therefore necessitating a stable and user friendly analysis framework. A basic implementation of AIDA has been incorporated within our Geant4 simulation for both a prototype system (see advanced example DMX in June release G4 4.1) and a LISA gravitational wave simulation – specifically looking at the cosmic ray induced charging rates of proof masses In addition, in order to produce high statistics an earlier AIDA implementation together with Lizard has been run extensively on the GRID (both GRIDPP in UK and DataGrid TestBed here at CERN) with > 300 jobs – surprising given Dynamic library constraints of Condor [see
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 5 Prototype Simulation: Full Lab Geometry
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 6 One High Energy event: LXe GXe PMT mirror source
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 7 roomelastic inelasticoutside Neutron s
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 8 LISA/STEP Gravitational wave experiment STEP = test of the equivalence principle Both rely on floating proof masses with no electrical connections prone to charging effects from cosmic rays However, charging rate is relatively low (~1 in 5000 particles)
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 9 LISA Geometry and Geant4 Images
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 10 AIDA 2.2 Implementation Currently ongoing in the framework of G4ComptonTest Relatively straightforward, although need for full-scale examples within Geant4 a benefit Need for stability definitely required/backward compatability Installation and update scripts a big bonus My own experience has mostly been with previous interface…
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 11 AIDA 2.2 Improvements I’m very much a novice so my lack of recommendations does not mean things are perfect nor that there’s a level of disinterest The interface seems okay, it is really in the analysis packages that development may be required Header files and their release as an advertised package helpful – within G4 release? File size compression Recoverable files – batch jobs crashing… Ability to add files together – particularly important if batch/GRID running Quality of output – graphical output directly, malleable, postscript?
Monday June 3rd 2002 AIDA 2.2 WorkshopAlex Howard Imperial College London Slide 12 Conclusions The implementation of AIDA 2.2 within G4 has been carried There will be increasing need for analysis packages and ease of creation of output files in the future with more and more complex simulations for both Dark Matter and Space applications There is an increasing amount of interest from both Space and Underground communities (workshop at Gran Sasso July 2 nd specifically on AIDA 2.2 and G4). Communities that don’t have Particle Physics histories but will require sophisticated analysis techniques more in the future.