SOSMIE – Paris 1° Transnational Workshop: 4 th – 6 th October 2012 SOSMIE EVALUATION Vincenzo Leone (TRUST)
From the Tavistock Institute
Aims of evaluation analyse project activities and results; investigate the results’ production process and project’s outputs; 3.the impact of the transfer process on partners and users; support the project staff with information on project progress; verify the efficacy of the valorisation activity.
Activities envisaged (1) Elaboration of tools. In order to collect information from partners and end users, several types of tools will be developed: - Questionnaires only for Sosmie partnership (evaluation meeting and evaluation concerning research activities); - Questionnaires for migrants, benificiaries, companies.
Activities envisaged (2) Reporting. The information on quality securing and on evaluation will be inserted by ITG and all partners in the: -Interim report (june 2013) -Final report (june 2014)
Evaluation dimensions Relevance. Quality securing activity will investigate to what extent project objectives are justified against needs that generated them. Efficacy. Evaluation will check to what extent project objectives will be met and if non expected effects were generated. Moreover, training efficacy will be considered in order to understand if beneficiaries use competencies and skills acquired during the project. Utility. Quality securing will consider the added value for participants. Transferability of Somie tools.
Indicators’ typologies: Impact on target groups; Impact on territories; Number of migrants involved during the project; Number of companies and other beneficiaries involved during the project; Meetings and events realisation; Work plan implementation.
Desk analysis will be carried out by means of specific tools, each one of them related to specific typologies of actions and activities expected in the workplan. In particular: 1. the research activities, planned in each phase of the work plan and articulated in main activities and sub-activities related (ANNEX 1 grid only for Sosmie partnership); 2. the meetings (transnational meetings) (ANNEX 2 grid only for Sosmie partnership); 3. the dissemination activities and actions (ANNEX 3 create a grid for beneficiaries, migrants, companies);
ANNEX 1 the research activities, planned in each phase of the work plan and articulated in main activities and sub-activities related (questionnaire only for Sosmie partnership);
VALORISATION ACTIVITIES FORM (ANNEX 1. Only for Sosmie partnership) Deadline: every 6 months (december june december june 2014) MAIN SECTIONS: - Results / products, work plan - Valorisation - Partnership - Comments
ANNEX 2 The transnational meetings (questionnaire only for Sosmie partnership);
Evaluation of Partners’ meeting (ANNEX 2. Only for Sosmie partnership); Deadline: to be filled in after transnational meetings After each transnational meeting the participants will fill-in the following form in order to evaluate the quality of the partnership, its management, the support given by each partner, and other miscellaneous. This will also improve the quality of posterior transnational meetings.
Evaluation of Partners’ meeting (ANNEX 2. Only for Sosmie partnership) Scale: 5 exceptional – 4 above average – 3 average – 2 satisfactory – 1 unsatisfactory MAIN SECTIONS: - The transnational partnership - Project management, Leadership and quality assurance - Project - Support for project partners and participants - Resources - Comments and suggestion - Evaluation of an international event - Structure, content and delivery of the event - Materials, resources, equipment -Swot analisys (Strong points, Weak points, Opportunities, Threats)
ANNEX 3 The dissemination activities and actions (create a questionnaire for beneficiaries, migrants, companies);
Thank you for your attention… Vincenzo Leone