Representing Oscillations w is angular frequency Need two variables to represent a state Use a single 2D variable to represent a state as a vector (a phasor)
Wavelength and propagation velocity
Constructive and Destructive Interference
Doppler Effect When no relative motion When
Fast fading: Multipath
Example: Sawtooth Frequency Domain X(k)=1/k
Ambiguity problem
Ambiguity in frequency domain
Nyquist sampling frequency Signal band Avoid aliasing Nyquist sampling frequency Maximum frequency without aliasing
Time vs. Frequency Short pulse in time domain->wide spectrum
Power Spectral Density(PSD)
Nonlinear Example: 1Hz+3Hz f(x1+x2)!=f(x1)+f(x2)
SUI are a basis
Finite Impulse Response Filter Impulse response
Convolution in Frequency Domain x(t), y(t) are signals X(f), Y(f) are their spectrum What is the spectrum C(f) of Convolution theorem C=X*Y (multiplication) Convolution in the time domain===Multiplication in the frequency domain
Amplitude Modulation(AM) Change amplitude of the signal according to information Simplest digital form is “on-off keying”(telegraph Morse code)
Audio AM
Frequency Modulation
Phase Modulation Another form of FM
Circular 16-QAM
Frequency Hopping
Example :DSSS with PN Transmitter/Receiver should be able to generate same synchronized Pseudo Random Noise sequences
OFDM Select orthogonal carriers Reach maximum at different times Can pack close without much interference More carriers within the same bandwidth
Hierarchy of speech coders
Vector quantization Encode a segment of sampled analog signal (e.g. L samples) Use codebooks of n vectors Segment all possible samples of dimension L into areas of equal probability Very efficient at very low rates( R=0.5 bits per sample)
DPCM and prediction
Sub-band coding Human ear does not detect error at all frequencies equally well
Human Vocal Tract demo
Voice Generation Model
Mean Opinion Score Quality Rating
Codec MOS rating
Binary Symmetric Channel Transmission medium introduce errors Demodulator produces errors Model as a channel Memoryless: probability of error is independent from one symbol to the next Symmetric: any error is equally probable Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC)
Error Correcting Codes (ECC) Redundancy added to information Encode message of k bits with n (n>k) bits Example: Systematic Encoding Redundant symbols are appending to information symbols to obtain a coded sequence Codeword
Error correction vs. Error Detection Error-detection Detect that received sequence contains an error Request retransmission ARQ: Automatic Repeat Request/Query (HSDPA) Error-correction Detect that received sequence contains an error Correct the error Forward Error Correction “A Code allows correction of up to p errors and detection up to q (q>p) errors”
Block Codes vs. Convolution Codes Block Codes Encode information block by block Each block encoded independently Encoding/Decoding is a memoryless operation Convolutional Codes Next symbol depend on a history of inputs/outputs
Linear Codes Linear combination of valid codewords is also a codeword Code distance is a minimum among all nonzero codeword weights (number of 1s) Linear space spanned by basis:
Syndrome Syndrome depends only on error pattern Different errors=>different syndromes except for the addition of codeword Can identify error patterns of weight w<=t by looking at the syndrome One-to-one between syndromes and errors w<=t
Convolution Codes
Decoding: Viterbi Algorithm Errors on the channel Find path with minimal total errors
Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) Combined coding and modulation scheme Make most similar signals (phases) represent most different/distance codewords
Turbo Codes Use 2 convolutional codes on the same data Feed data in different order to the encoders