EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov European University-Enterprise Cooperation.


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Presentation transcript:

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov European University-Enterprise Cooperation Network Proposal for GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR STUDENT PRACTICAL PLACEMENT IN ENTERPRISES IN EUROPE Simona LACHE, Professor, University Transilvania of Brasov, Romania

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Milestones from EUI-Net Practical placement – a fundamental component of student education and training In Europe – it is part of the university curriculum There are still different approaches, with results that vary from country to country

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Milestones from EUI-Net Intensification of student transnational mobility – 2007: Life Long Learning Programme As a consequence: need for promoting a Quality Control System of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises at European level Short term objective: –harmonizing the practical placement procedures adopted by universities in Europe; –harmonizing the practical placement procedures at university and enterprise level.

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Policy: Responsability Vice-rector in charge with the didactic activity – at university level Vice-dean nominated to coordinate the practical placement – at faculty level Coordinators for students practical placement – at study program level. The coordinators at study program level are nominated or reconfirmed at the beginning of each academic year, by the faculty board. The general frame for organizing and developing the practical placement at university level is provided by an authorized department.

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Policy: HOW The curriculum of each study program: –Practical stage represent a compulsory subject; –Duration; –Credit points allocation; The syllabus of the practical stage: –Skills and competences to be acquired; –The themes to be developed; –Evaluation methodology. Period: the practical placement may take place: –in a distributed way – during the academic year, or –lumped – in well defined periods. Location: “ host organizations ” –institutions; –enterprises; –research units; –laboratories of the faculty or of other faculties within the accredited higher education framework.

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Policy: Legal framework Practical stages are organized based on the Practical Placement Agreement ( a model should be provided as Annex ). All Practical Placement arrangements shall be subjected to a formal agreement between: university, the host organisation, and the student. Where a practical placement involves a number of students being placed in the one host organization, the Practical placement Agreement shall have attached to it, for each student, the formal agreement mentioned above.

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Policy: Quality Issues For assuring the Quality of Practical Placement, a Charter fixing quality criteria and/ or a code of good behaviour should be assumed by the university, host organization and student ( it may be an annex to the Practical Placement Agreement ).

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Policy: Quality Issues Requirements regarding the practical placement : Integration within the curriculum: the placement content is compatible with the study programme. It ensures the skills and competences foreseen in the syllabus of practical placement. E.g. –To apply the knowledge acquired in the University –To acquire new skills relevant to the student’s area of study –To confront the student with situations and problems of a professional nature environment –To analyze the conditions of the work environment –To analyze their own experience of immersion into the work environment

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Policy: Quality Issues Requirements regarding the practical placement : Tutorship: the host organization assigns a person responsible for the student(s) practical placement, to assist the student(s) during the whole process. Evaluation: the host organization evaluates the student activity and validates the practical stage by issuing a certificate ( a model should be provided as Annex 3 ). Financial reward : the host organization may reward the student in a financial form, which may represent a plus of responsibility of both sides regarding the activity carried on during the practical placement. Contract: administrative rules and duties of each partner are defined in a tripartite placement agreement. Confidentiality rules of the company are respected.

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Policy: Approach for finding practical placement Two main types of practices and philosophies : –By the student : Finding a company for a placement is left to the student and considered part of his training for professional life (and also for practical reasons as it requires a weaker investment from the higher academic institution). –By the university : The relations with companies for student practical placements are oriented, supported and controlled by universities, through an authorized department.

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Policy: Calendar The calendar for organizing the Practical Placement is elaborated at the beginning of the academic year, by the university authorized department ( a model should be provided as Annex ).

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 1 WHATInform the students about: –Practical placement procedure –Practical placement calendar –Approaches for finding practical placement WHOCoordinator at study program level WHENAt the beginning of the academic year HOWMeetings, dedicated webpage, leaflets DocumentProcedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 2a WHATSearch for a practical place WHOStudent WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWPersonal contacts, searching available databases … DocumentCalendar for organizing practical placement – annex to the Procedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 3a WHATSubmit the application form to the coordinator at study program level, for validation WHOStudent WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWFill in the application form DocumentApplication form – annex to the Procedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 4a WHATValidate the practical places according to the quality criteria WHOCoordinator at study program level WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWPersonal contacts, searching available databases … NETWORK of authorized departments at local/ regional/ national/ European level DocumentProcedure for student practical placement adopted at university level (section dedicated to quality criteria)

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 5a WHATSet-up the legal framework –Practical Placement Agreement between university and host organization; –The formal agreement between university, the host organisation, and the student WHOUniversity: Coordinator at study program level, Dean of the faculty Enterprise: assigned contact person Student WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWContacts between the involved parties Document Agreement forms – annex to the Procedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 6a WHATInform the faculty about the situation of student practical placement al study program level – for developing the database at faculty level WHO Coordinator at study program level to the Vice-Dean nominated to coordinate the practical placement at faculty level WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWFill in the database, for updating DocumentProcedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 7a WHATIssue the official letter on the faculty behalf to the host organization WHO Dean of the faculty WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWBased on the information from the updated database (step 6) DocumentModel of official letter – annex to the Procedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 8a WHATPresent the documents accompanying the practical stage WHO Student to contact person assigned by the host organization WHENFirst day of practical stage HOWDirect contact with the contact person assigned by the host organization Document-Official letter issued by the faculty -Syllabus specific for practical stage -Model of certificate to be issued by the host organization at the end of the practical stage – annex to the Procedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov jump to Step 9

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 2b WHATSearch for practical places, fulfilling the quality criteria Close Practical Placement Agreements with Enterprises (including the Model of Certificate for practical stage) Develop a database with practical placements WHOUniversity by the authorized department and/or faculty structures WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWPersonal contacts, searching available databases … DocumentCalendar for organizing practical placement; Model of Certificate for practical stage – annexes to the Procedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 3b WHATSubmit the application for a practical place from the university database WHOStudent to the authorized department and/or faculty structures WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWFill in the application form DocumentApplication form – annex to the Procedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 4b WHATSelection process for practical placement in an enterprise WHO 1.The university 2.The host organization 3.Jointly by university and the host organization. WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOW 1. The university authorized department organizes the students selection and passes the results to the host organization; OR 2. The university authorized department centralizes the application forms and passes them to the host organization, which performs the selection process and informs back the university upon the selected students; OR 3. The selection is performed jointly by university and the host organization. DocumentList of selected students

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 5b WHATSet-up the legal framework –Practical Placement Agreement between university and host organization; –The formal agreement between university, the host organisation, and the student WHOUniversity: Coordinator at study program level, Dean of the faculty Enterprise: assigned contact person Student WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWContacts between the involved parties Document Agreement forms – annex to the Procedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 6b WHATPresent the documents accompanying the practical stage WHO Student to contact person assigned by the host organization WHENFirst day of practical stage HOWDirect contact with the contact person assigned by the host organization Document-Syllabus specific for practical stage

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov jump to Step 9

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 9 WHATPractical stage ongoing WHO Student, contact person assigned by the host organization, coordinator at the study program level WHENEntire practical placement period HOWCarrying on specific activities to fulfil the quality criteria DocumentPractical placement agreement

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 10 WHATSubmit the report of practical placement WHO Student to contact person assigned by the host organization WHENEnd of the practical stage HOW Report handed to the assigned person – compulsorily including the following: –Identification data of the student: name/ university/ faculty/ study program/ year of study; –Identification data of the host organization: company name/ department in which practical stage took place/ name of the assigned practical placement responsible; –Identification data of the practical stage: period/ total number of hours/ syllabus of practical placement ( issued by the university ); –Presentation of the activity performed during the practical placement; DocumentReport of practical placement

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 11 WHATEvaluate the practical placement and issue the Certificate for practical stage. WHO Contact person assigned by the host organization WHENEnd of the practical stage HOW Award a grade (e.g. very good/ good/ satisfactory/ unsatisfactory). Based on the evaluation result, the host organization issues the Certificate for practical stage. DocumentReport of practical placement Certificate for practical stage – annex to the Procedure for student practical placement adopted at university level

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 12 WHATSubmit the report of practical placement ay the university WHO Student to coordinator for practical placement at study program level WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOWReport handed to the assigned person DocumentReport of practical placement

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Procedure: Step 13 WHATEvaluate and validate the practical placement in the university WHO Coordinator for practical placement at study program level WHENAccording to the deadline set in the calendar for this activity HOW Evaluation based on: – the Report of practical placement – the evaluation of the host institution Validation by assigning the credit points foreseen for this activity in the study program curriculum. DocumentReport of practical placement Certificate for practical stage

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Conclusions There is still a gap between the enterprise needs and university offer in terms of graduates skills and competences; Practical placement – important role; Intensification of student transnational mobility urges for for promoting a Quality Control System of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises at European level; One important issue to be solved: appropriate communication between the contact persons assigned by the U and E ( Introducing the task related to student practical placement in the list of duties for those persons )

EUE-Net Workshop on Quality Control of Students Practical Placement in Enterprises, 7-8 February 2008, Brasov Thank you for your attention ! Simona LACHE University Transilvania of Brasov, RO