Alain Blondel MICE VC 12 March 2009 Brief MICE news 1. Decay solenoid: operations will restart in early July. Criteria for acceptance have been specified at the MICE TB on 22Jun09 2. Target: construction according to plan: installation in August still holds. 3. Spectometer solenoid: as of 18Jun09 target was to start cooling today 4. Running plan A first go has been prepared in discussion between Marco-Linda (MOMs in sept-oct) and AB (see following) WE WILL NEED SHIFTERS (see later) 5. Data flow workshop next week (1st July?) production manager role will be defined (someone will be wanted!) 6. Wanted: volunteer/candidate for VC organization 7. Transnational Access (for EU) is in place Advertised in EUCARD and MICE front page 8. work in US (MRI proposal) and possibly CERN to reinforce RF power effort.
Alain Blondel MICE VC 12 March 2009 Draft plan - STEPI -1. Before running with beam have a dry run of target operation, power up of beamline magnets incl. decay solenoid and of the control system. 0. (MP sessions to be scheduled 2-15 sep09 2shifts of 12h). -- commission new target, (number of pulses to be defined) -- recording of target data and beamloss monitors. -- Operate beam line conventional magnets. -- Recommission GVA1 and TOF0/TOF1 -- Record reference rate in TOF0 vs beam loss. -- Investigate level that can be sustained by ISIS safely. -- begin to power up decay solenoid at predifined current and corresponding conventional optics. See if effect on ISIS. 1. If installed commission MICE luminosity monitor. (also in MP session -- 1 shift of 8 hrs) 2. parasitic in ISIS normal run –operating target at ~500 mV beam loss. -- Commission Decay solenoid (DKS) optics -- Begin with beamline at D1=D2 350MeV/C pions. (1shift)
Alain Blondel MICE VC 12 March Optimize the upstream beam line (Q1–Q3+DKS) to obtain the maximum GVA1 and TOF0 rate for 350 MeV/c pions. Check alignment. This requires recording of the ISIS Beam Loss Monitors and MICE Luminosity monitors 2 shifts of 8 hours 4. re-develop the electron beam at about MeV/c for calibration of TOF, CKOV, KL and operate for a 24 hours production run. the full beam line with 350 MeV/c pions; check alignment and take extended data. (8hrs shift) 6. Re-commission 200 MeV/c pion beam. Check alignment. Take extended data (8hrs shift) 7. Pause for a few days to peform offline calibrations of TOF and implement result in online reconstruction
Alain Blondel MICE VC 12 March When TOF calibrations are done, commission the (350 MeV/c pion/200 MeV/c muon) beam. Optimize on DKS excitation. Scan P(muon). 9. Develop the 200 MeV/c muon beam with “6 mm emittance” beam setup. Evaluate beam parameters and emittance of muon beam at TOF1 with TOF0 and TOF1. (NB this will not be 6pi) 10. Complete generation of beams for the momentum-emittance matrix PLAN will continue to be discussed by MOMs and beamline group and turned into shift plans.
Alain Blondel MICE VC 12 March 2009 SHIFTERS Paul is in charge of assembling the shift Suggests: One shifter from overseas + one MOM at any time. Comments?