Welcome talk IDEA meeting, Prague, MEDEX workshop news 2.Present status of the TGV II 3.Organization remarks I.Štekl Institute of experimental and applied physics, Czech Technical University I.Štekl, IDEA meeting
ILIAS meeting, Prague, February 7-10, 2005
Organizing committee: Osvaldo Civitarese (University of La Plata), Jouni Suhonen (University of Jyväskylä), Ivan Štekl (Czech Technical University), Haris Kosmas (University of Ioannina) MEDEX – ILIAS workshop (Corfu, September 2005) (Matrix Elements for the Double-beta-decay EXperiments) Basic features of MEDEX workshop: - direct connections between theoreticians and experimentalists (ILIAS activities – N3 = direct DM detection; N4 = search on decay; J2 = integrated decay; TA = transnational access), - two working sessions: NME for double-beta-decay, Nuclear aspects of neutrino physics and dark matter studies. - contributions will be published in Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
List of participants: A. Barabash: Average half-life values for two neutrino double beta decay J. Vergados: On the direct detection of SUSY Dark Matter: Exploiting the signatures of the reactions O. Civitarese: Extracting information about 0 decays from 2 decays J. Suhonen: Beta decays and muon capture as probes of double beta matrix elements V. Egorov: -capture rates in Se and Cd targets I. Stekl: Present results of the TGV experiment EC/EC decay of 106 Cd F. Avignone: The importance of nuclear matrix elements in the selection of neutrinoless double-beta- decay experiments V. Rodin: Description of the double beta decays within continuum QRPA H. Ejiri: Double beta decay matrix elements by charge exchange reactions and photo-nuclear reactions J. Wilson: Double beta decay measurement with the COBRA experiment T. Liolios: Solar neutrinos, solar nuclear reactions and stellar evolution M. Misiaszek: Scattering of neutrinos on a polarized electron target as a test for new physics beyond the Standard Model P. Papakonstantinou: Matrix elements of the - - e - conversion by using CRPA P. Divari: Transition matrix elements for the - - e + in 27 Al W. Westphal: Dark matter search with CRESST H. Kosmas: Realistic calculations for direct dark matter detection M. Valverde: Quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus interactions V. Hasioti: A compact description of neutrino-nucleus matrix elements
TGV II to improve 48 Ca result obtained by TGV I to investigate processes in 106 Cd (to focus on EC/EC channel) purpose: 2 EC/EC: 106 Cd: 2 : 48 Ca:
General view of TGV II setup Copper > 20 cm Airtight box Lead > 10 cm Polyethylene filled with boron 16 cm
Summary of finished activities and present status: -two different setups (for 106 Cd and 48 Ca) were tunned -detector TGV II is placed in Modane underground laboratory -standard passive methods to suppress the background -suppression of microphonic background -pulse-rise time analysis -TGV spectrometer run one year with enriched 106 Cd (Feb Feb.2006, 8635 hours) Future programme of EC/EC measurements: Cd – 12 foils, total mass = gr., enrichment = 80% -new HPGe detectors, changing of some materials inside cryostat, more 106 Cd, -TGV II now runs with standard Cd
Results after 4800 hours 2νEC/EC (0 + → 0 +,g.s.) T 1/2 ≥ 5.6 x y (90%CL) 2νβ + EC (0 + →0 +,g.s.) T 1/2 ≥ 4.1 x y (90%CL) 2νβ + EC/512 T 1/2 ≥ 5.8 x y (90%CL) 2νEC/EC/512 T 1/2 ≥ 2.1 x y (90%CL) νEC/EC/1138 T 1/2 ≥ 5.3 x y (90%CL)
Organization remarks: 1)Banquet – Masarykova kolej restaurant, beginning at 20:00 (today) 2)Lunch today – at 14:00 3)Conference fee – 45 EURO 4)Payment of accomodation in hotel Crystal – through organizing committee